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Armenian Genocide Exhibit Opens At Capitol Hill

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  • Armenian Genocide Exhibit Opens At Capitol Hill

    24.04.2012 11:44

    Armenia's Ambassador to the United States Tatoul Markarian, Armenia's
    Deputy Minister of Culture Artur Boghosian, Reverend Michael Wilker
    of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation and His Eminence Archbishop
    Vicken Aykazian, Legate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Washington
    presided over the formal opening April 18 of the exhibit "Witnesses
    to the Armenian Genocide," hosted by the Lutheran Church of the
    Reformation on Capitol Hill.

    Sponsored by the Armenian Genocide Museum of America the exhibit brings
    together the surviving photographic record of the Armenian Genocide
    produced by German witnesses. The exhibit is being presented with
    the Armenian Assembly of America and the Armenian National Institute.

    "It is a special honor for the Lutheran Church of the Reformation to
    host this unique exhibit about the Armenian Genocide," stated Reverend
    Wilker in his welcoming remarks. "I am specially moved by the theme of
    witnessing, and of speaking up in defense of our fellow human beings
    in need of our care and attention. The Armenian people suffered the
    ultimate sacrifice on behalf of their faith and their culture. As
    the oldest Christian nation in the world, their martyrdom as a people
    represents the worst that humans can do to another, and the best of
    the spirit of humankind to resist and overcome evil."

    "I am grateful to Reverend Wilker for his ecumenical vision in hosting
    this special exhibit documenting the tragedy of the Armenian Genocide,"
    said Ambassador Markarian. "On behalf of the Armenian government I want
    to thank you for bringing this exhibit, this undeniable evidence of the
    Armenian Genocide to Capitol Hill. This is not only about sharing our
    pain. This is not just about telling the truth to the American people
    about the Armenian Genocide. This is also a reminder for intervention
    and prevention wherever people live under the threat of genocide."

    Special mention was made on the occasion of the exhibit's formal
    opening thanking Mrs. Rita Balian, who, with her late husband Vartkess
    Balian, initiated the preparation of the panel exhibit and generously
    contributed to make it a reality.

    The research to uncover the rare photographic material displayed
    was conducted by Dr. Hilmar Kaiser in several German and European
    archives. Photographic evidence on the Armenian Genocide is extremely
    rare. Although Imperial Germany and the Ottoman Empire were military
    allies during World War I, the Ottoman Turkish authorities responsible
    for the Armenian Genocide prohibited taking pictures and closely
    watched anyone suspected of owning a camera. Despite the threat of
    a court martial, several German civilians and other German military
    officials assigned to the Ottoman Empire during the war disregarded
    the ban and secretly photographed the mistreatment of the Armenian

    Dr. Kevork Bardakjian, Marie Manoogian Professor of Armenian Language
    and Literature at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, who was a
    featured speaker at the Library of Congress the following day, also
    visited the exhibit. He was joined by former U.S. Ambassador to Armenia
    John Evans. Dr. Bardakjian, who is the author of the book Hitler
    and the Armenian Genocide, published by the Zoryan Institute in1986,
    commented: "Adolf Hitler's chilling reference to the extermination
    of the Armenians continues to haunt all who specialize in genocide
    studies. In researching the evidence on Hitler's knowledge of the fate
    of the Armenians, I was surprised to discover that he referred to them
    more than once. This exhibit is visual proof of the extent of knowledge
    among German officials of the Ottoman policy of extermination. Could
    there be more compelling evidence than Ottoman Turkey's own allies
    on the ground testifying to the atrocities committed against the
    Armenian people."
