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Pelosi Statement On The Anniversary Of The Armenian Genocide

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  • Pelosi Statement On The Anniversary Of The Armenian Genocide


    Targeted News Service
    April 24, 2012 Tuesday 1:28 AM EST

    House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., issued the following
    news release:

    Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today
    in recognition of the 97th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide:

    "Today, we mark the 97th anniversary of the Armenian genocide, remember
    the victims and honor the survivors of one of the greatest tragedies
    of the 20th century. Too often, the truth of these horrific events
    has been denied. Yet the historical record is clear: from 1915 to
    1923, the leaders of the Ottoman Empire conceived and carried out a
    genocide against the Armenian people.

    "On this solemn occasion, we still hear the voices of the more than
    1.5 million Armenian men, women, and children silenced forever in
    what was called then a 'campaign of race extermination.' We must heed
    their call to never forget their stories and to learn from this dark
    hour of history. Indeed, there is no greater tribute to their memories
    than our commitment to always act to prevent genocide in our time.

    "If we ignore the mistakes of the past, then we are destined to repeat
    them. That's why it is critical, year in and year out, to reaffirm
    our dedication to recognizing the Armenian genocide and to placing the
    U.S. Congress firmly on the side of honesty in our history. The facts
    must not be up for debate; the Armenian genocide must no longer be
    cast aside without recognition. And on this anniversary, it is our
    responsibility to embrace the truth and build a brighter future for
    all Armenians."
