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ARS Calls to Action to Assist Armenian Schools in Syria

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  • ARS Calls to Action to Assist Armenian Schools in Syria

    ARS of Western USA, Inc.
    Regional Office
    517 W. Glenoaks Blvd.
    Glendale, CA 91202
    Tel: 818-500-1343
    Fax: 818-242-3732
    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Armenian Relief Society of Western U.S.A., Regional Executive

    ARS Calls to Action in Assistance of Armenians in Syria

    Amidst the conflict and civil strife that continues to plague Syria
    and its residents, the ARS of Western USA calls upon community members
    from near and far to join its efforts in support and camaraderie of
    Armenians in Syria, who are painstakingly affected by the ongoing
    turmoil in the country.

    At this crucial time, the ARS Western USA Region has committed to a
    full force humanitarian response effort to raise funds in aid of
    Armenians in Syria. Support in this effort knows no bounds and a
    donation in any amount to the `Fund for Assistance to Syrian Armenian
    Schools' will undeniably demonstrate a united undertaking to fulfill
    our moral duty in coming to the aid of fellow Armenians in distress.

    New Challenges Set for the ARS During the Regional Convention

    The Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of Western U.S.A., 92nd Annual
    Regional Convention was held on July 27-29, 2012, at the new Pasadena
    Armenian Center in Pasadena, California, to assess the activities of
    the past year and plan for the upcoming year.

    Delegates and guests from 23 chapters arrived from the San Francisco
    Bay area and as far away as Phoenix, Arizona, and made their way to
    the foyer, where the ARS-WUSA Regional Executive and Sosse Chapter
    (Pasadena) members welcomed them.

    Dr. Nyree Derderian, Regional Executive Chairperson, called the
    convention to order in the converted gym of the center. Following
    anthems, officer elections were held. Khatoune Pakradouni and Sossie
    Djabrayan were elected as co-chairs, and Mayda Chahinian and Rita
    Hintlian as Secretaries. Following the presentation by the Credentials
    Committee, Maggie Yahyayan and Victoria Markarian joined as second
    secretaries for Armenian and English respectively.

    During the first session, which was attended by the ARS Central
    Executive Board (CEB) Chairperson, Vicky Marashlian, CEB's
    Representative Annie Kechichian delivered her board's message. Looking
    forward to the future with great expectations, she noted that the ARS
    is at the forefront of a new era and the convention will determine the
    path to follow, as a demonstration of the will of its members. She
    stated that free Armenia struggles with societal shortcomings,
    victorious Artsakh continues to be threatened, Javakhk continues to
    struggle with worsening socio-economic conditions, while different
    Diaspora regions face difficult economic and safety conditions.

    She said that the CEB would like to see this meeting advance in
    spirited, yet practical; brave, yet well thought out ways'so that not
    only ARS members will gather around the region, but also the community
    as a whole, and particularly the youth. Kechichian also read the CEB
    report of their activities since the 70th International Convention
    held in October 2011 in Athens, Greece.

    Dr. Vicken Yacoubian, delivered the ARF-WR Central Committee's
    message, challenging the ARS to accomplish philanthropy driven by
    activism; to connect to the people by understanding their needs; to
    carry the heavy burden of meeting those needs. He wished that the
    convention's decisions would bring new vigor to the ARS, and renew its
    ranks with youth.

    Arch. Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate of the Western Prelacy of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church of America, was accompanied by the Executive
    Council Chairperson, Rima Boghossian. The Prelate delivered his
    message and blessings for strength and vigor to persevere for the
    delegates, and wished for divine wisdom and guidance. His Eminence
    remarked that the ARS has nurtured and cared for the needs of the
    Armenian people, just as a doting mother would, and has been
    instrumental in the progress and prosperity of our homeland through
    the efforts and selfless service of its dedicated and devoted members,
    who humbly serve to carry out its noble humanitarian mission.

    The officers appointed Annie Chalian as Parliamentarian, Rita Hintlian
    as Reporter, and Arshalouys Kiledjian and Alice Shekherdemian as

    Annie Chalian and Sossie Poladian were Regional guests, while Satenig
    Ghazarian, Helen Keosian, Anahid Meymarian and Asdghig Tejirian, were
    guests elected by the convention to provide their valuable input. The
    convention continued with the election of committees, presentations
    and assessment of regional programs.

    During the three days, the convention discussed the services, which
    were provided by the region. Five social services offices, and the
    Child, Youth and Family Guidance Center served the needy, elderly and
    those with counseling needs. Chapters operated one-day or Saturday
    Schools for those children who lack access to Armenian day schools,
    along with one day care.

    The region continued to support two youth centers in Javakhk, two ARS
    Sosse Kindergartens in Artsakh, 123 orphans through the
    Sponsor-A-Child program and the Educational program for former
    orphans, who live mostly in Hadroud, Askaran and Mardouni. A video of
    photos of major events, during the past year, entertained and excited
    the delegates and observers.

    Vicky Marashlian, ARS CEB Chairperson, congratulated the convention
    for its smooth performance and the newly elected board members. The
    ARF Central Committee representative, Dr. Vicken Yacoubian, reminded
    the members that he was the Secretary staffer of the ARS Regional
    Executive, while he was attending the university. He congratulated the
    newly elected board members, wished the whole ARS family success in
    their endeavors, promising support and assistance to collectively
    achieve the goals of our people.

    In closing statements, Khatoune Pakradouni, Convention Co-Chair,
    remarked on how the ARS had reinvented and revitalized itself through
    several generations, how her generation felt about accomplishing their
    duty, and how satisfied they felt by realizing their dreams and
    witnessing the new generation joining the ranks to accomplish new

    The ARS continues to weave dreams for the Diaspora and the Homeland,
    with the financial assistance and support of the community members.

    The convention commended good planning and carrying out of innovative
    programs, assessed where improvements were needed, and decided to
    boost certain programs, within the guidelines of the Strategic Plan
    already in effect for the last two years. The convention highly
    commended the Regional Executive for continuing programs during a
    challenging fiscal environment.

    The convention split up into break-out sessions to develop new ideas,
    before they were brought to the convention floor. Sheltering, Saturday
    School Education Fund, and assistance to Armenian schools in Syria
    were allocated more funding, due to the increased concern for the
    status of children. Other resolutions were regarding sustainable
    funding, promoting the ARS through Public Relations, and membership

    One of the guests commented on how the delegates endured long-lasting
    sessions with outmost diligence. The hosting Pasadena Sosse Chapter
    members catered to the needs of the attendees during the 3-days, by
    providing good nutritious foods throughout the day and entertainment
    in the evening. The chapter members even brought `mas' (holy bread)
    from the Sunday services.

    Following a report by ARS CEB Representative, Annie Kechichian, the
    convention decided and formed an ad hoc committee to raise funds for
    the Armenians in Syria, in addition to collecting payments and pledges
    amounting to $18,050 from the floor, as a kick off of the campaign.

    Four members of the Regional Executive had completed their 2-year
    terms: Nyree Derderian, Kristine Keshishian, Carmen Libaridian and
    Seta Hagopian-Soghomonian. The Convention elected Lena Bozoyan,
    Christina Khanjian, Carmen Libaridian, and Karine Barikian-Setian.

    The 2012-2013 Regional Executive board elected its officers as
    follows: Lena Bozoyan, Chairperson; Carmen Libaridian,
    Vice-Chairperson; Armenounhi (Mimi) Tomassian, Secretary; Liza
    Santikian, Treasurer; andChristina Khanjian, Zharmen Mirzakhanyan,
    Judy Jingirian, Angele Ohannessian, and Karine Barikian-Setian

    The Paros Program on ARTN Featured New Regional Executive Chairperson
    Lena Bozoyan on August 5, 2012, along with footage from the


    Support the Armenian school children in Syria.Donate by credit card or
    PayPal at

    Or mail your check to: ARS of Western U.S.A., Regional Executive, 517
    W. Glenoaks Blvd. Glendale, CA 91202-2812

    517 W. Glenoaks Blvd. | Glendale, CA 91202-2812 US
    Phone: (818) 500-1343 | Fax: (818) 242-3732
    Email: [email protected]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress