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The Fight For Aleppo

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  • The Fight For Aleppo


    Asharq Alawsat (The Middle East)
    August 4, 2012 Saturday

    By Hussein Shobokshi The eyes of the world watching the impact of the
    Syrian revolution have turned to the city of Aleppo; because it is the
    largest Syrian city and the heart of the country's economy...Aleppo
    is now outside al-Assad's realm of governance, and more or less 70
    percent of its districts are in the hands of the Free Syrian Army
    (FSA). Now it is the FSA that runs the bakeries, hospitals, traffic,
    civil defense and ambulances, and occupies the police stations and
    intelligence services.

    In doing so, Aleppo has caused a huge shock to the Syrian regime,
    which used to be "guaranteed" and ensured of Aleppo's full loyalty,
    whether through the Sheikhs in its mosques, directly associated to the
    Syrian Grand Mufti, or through its merchants and producers who received
    benefits granted to no one else. There was also an "affiliated"
    group of tribes who had a strong relationship with the intelligence
    and security services, who were entrusted with supporting the Shabiha
    and providing recruits for them, eventually becoming the guarantors
    of the loyalty of Aleppo and its people through force and intimidation.

    Aleppo itself has always been an example of extraordinary coexistence,
    for there is a mix of all races, sects and creeds. There is the
    important and numerous Christian community, as well as the notable
    and influential community of Armenians, not forgetting the Kurdish,
    Italian and Turkish communities.

    Aleppo has produced a number of memorable religious scholars,
    such as Abdul Rahman al-Kawakbi, a prominent voice on injustice and
    tyranny, Abdullah Siraj al-Din, Abdul Qadir Isa and so on. This is not
    forgetting the highly influential and acclaimed names in the world
    of politics, such as Rushdie Kikhia, founder of the People's Party,
    or Nazim al-Kudsi, former president of the republic at the heart
    of Syria's short-lived democratic era, and Saadallah al-Jabiri, an
    extraordinary national political veteran whose name is immortalized
    by the central town square in the heart of Aleppo.

    Aleppo has not only provided such famous names in the fields of
    religion and politics, it has also produced the most important Syrian
    symbols in trade, industry and the economy, with notable family names
    such as Maysir, al-Adas, al-Jabiri, Musalati, Hamami, al-Zaim, Kayyali
    and so on. The city has also provided some of the greatest names in
    Syrian art, in all its forms. Who could forget Louay Kayyali, the most
    significant modern artist in Syria's history, or the famous Syrian
    singers Sabah Fakhri and Mayada Hanawi, or Walid Ikhlassi, one of
    the most important Syrian novelists, all of whom were born in Aleppo.

    This ancient Arab city also has a distinctive style of architecture
    and renowned cuisine. The city's original name was Halab ash-Shahba
    [the milk of the ash-colored cow], because the Prophet Ibrahim, peace
    be upon him, was said to have offered travelers milk from his cows as
    they passed through. It contains one of the most important citadels
    in Islamic history, the Citadel of Aleppo, and today Aleppo has also
    become the citadel of the revolution, confronting al-Assad's forces,
    planes, tanks and missiles, and not allowing them to enter the city at
    all, inflicting upon the regime an extremely significant psychological
    loss and blow to morale.

    The regime is aware that Aleppo falling into the hands of the
    revolutionaries puts an end to any remaining debate about it being in
    control of Syria, and its claims that what is happening on the ground
    is a "war against armed gangs". The rebels are well aware that Aleppo
    is the grand prize; the greatest barrier that will bring down all the
    arguments, lies, myths and fraud of the al-Assad regime. Therefore,
    it is not only the mother of all battles, but the battle itself. The
    fighting has not stopped in other Syrian cities, including the capital
    Damascus, as well as Daraa, Deir al-Zour, Homs and Hama, but the focus
    remains on the first and greatest city. This is especially after the
    rebels' success in securing a border line connected to Turkey in order
    to deliver food, medicine and weapons, which will give the rebels the
    determination, encouragement and time necessary to go all the way,
    and victory seems very close.

    For their part, the Turks are loading their borders with Syria with
    equipment and soldiers for a preemptive strike against any Kurdish
    movement. This would be facilitated by the Syrians and the Iranians
    in order to bolster Kurdish ambitions to establish their own state; an
    issue which is an impossible subject and a red line for the Turks. The
    latest scenes in Aleppo will be the last nail in the coffin for the
    regime, with the time now right to bury it once and for all.

    Aleppo was known in the past for its cuisine and its festive nature,
    but now it is known for its resilience and dignity.
