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Finding Motherland. Misfortune of Syrian Armenians may unite entire

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  • Finding Motherland. Misfortune of Syrian Armenians may unite entire

    by Yuriy Simonyan

    Nezavisimaya Gazeta
    Aug 1 2012

    The fighting in the Syrian city of Aleppo has strengthened migration
    sentiments within the local Armenian community. We should not
    speak of a mass exodus, but the number of people wishing to travel
    to their historical motherland has increased. In connection with
    the exacerbation of the situation Armenia's national air carrier -
    the Armavia Company - has issued a denial of charges that it hiked
    ticket prices on the Armenia-Syria salient and has reported that it
    is prepared to organize an additional flight to Syria to bring out
    compatriots if it receives assistance from the Armenian authorities.

    In all, 3,248 Syrian citizens applied to acquire citizenship of the
    Republic of Armenia during the first half of this year. Several dozen
    other people requested refugee status. The Armenian State Migration
    Service has reported that all requests have been met. In addition,
    the authorities recently simplified the rules for Syrian Armenians
    to enter the country. They can now obtain visas at the border or in
    airports in their historical motherland.

    Speaking about the problem associated with a possible influx of
    refugees into Armenia, which itself is far from being a model
    of socioeconomic conditions and has a high level of unemployment,
    representatives of the power structures evasively point out that the
    situation remains unpredictable and that it is impossible to guess
    in advance how many Armenians will ultimately wish to settle in the
    motherland. Even now some of those who have come out of Syria do not
    hide the fact that they regard Armenia as a transshipment point or
    a safe haven where they can wait for the denouement of the crisis
    and decide what to do next, depending on how it ends. On the whole,
    not many refugees have announced their firm intention to put down
    roots precisely in Armenia.

    Armenians have lived in Syria since quite ancient times. The community
    grew sharply in the late 19th and early 20th centuries following the
    Cilician pogroms or the so-called slaughter in Adana - the first acts
    of genocide against Armenians in the Ottoman Empire, which peaked
    in 1915. As in the case of Armenia today, not all the refugees who
    managed to get out of Turkish territory at that time settled in Syria,
    and some continued to look for a better fate. Prior to the start of
    the present combat clashes the Armenian population of that country
    numbered approximately 100,000 (according to the data of the LookLex
    encyclopedia, up to 200,000, including Armenians who have adopted
    Catholicism -Nezavisimaya Gazeta). The overwhelming majority of
    them lived precisely in Aleppo, with somewhat smaller communities
    being registered in Damascus and Homs. The Syrian Armenians were
    employed in all socioeconomic spheres and at the same time, as a rule,
    kept well out of politics. They have maintained their neutrality or
    apoliticalness during these days of war as well. Therefore observers
    believe that there is no underlying political reason for the mass
    exodus of Syrian Armenians, just a threat to personal safety to the
    same degree as for any civilian in Syria, regardless of nationality
    and faith.

    The publication Armenian Weekly has published an analysis of the
    situation in which the Armenian diaspora finds itself in this restless
    country. The problem of immigration into Armenia is not as simple
    as you might imagine, Armenian Weekly writes. Many Armenians are
    not prepared to leave Syria, which they have called their home for
    decades. If they do get this desire, then another obstacle arises:
    They have to leave their homes and property, since the Syrian sales
    markets have, for understandable reasons, been paralysed, and without
    the money that could have been obtained by selling property life
    in Armenia will be attended by other problems. The historian Ara
    Sanjian of the University of Michigan believes that the efforts of
    the Armenian authorities alone are not enough to resolve the problems
    if the departure of Armenians from Syria still assumes a mass nature.

    "The government can do little because of the situation in Syria,
    because of the weak economy in Armenia itself, and, importantly,
    because of very scant knowledge of the realities of the diaspora's
    life...," Armenian media cite the academic's words published in
    Armenian Weekly. In Sanjian's opinion, the time has come to unite
    the nation, which is scattered all over the world: Everyone "must
    give moral and physical support to the Armenians in Syria."

    A similar viewpoint is adhered to by the Dashnaktsutyun Armenian
    Revolutionary Federation, whose branches function in almost all
    cities of the world where there is an Armenian community that is
    at all noticeable. Commenting on the Syrian question, Kiro Manoyan,
    one of the federation's leaders, told Yerevan journalists that it is
    expedient to preserve the Armenian community in that country.

    According to him, the situation is very complex and delicate: On
    no account must the people who wish to move to Armenia be denied
    assistance, but it is also inadmissible somehow to encourage this
    process or to initiate it.

    The majority of Syria's Armenians seem to have decided not to uproot
    themselves from the places where they have always lived. According
    to recent reports from sources in Aleppo and Damascus, an "Organ of
    Operational Assistance for Syria's Armenians" has been formed in
    the country, and the community itself is becoming consolidated so
    as to be ready to "deal a rebuff to likely difficulties." The clergy
    has also mobilized itself. In particular, Aram I, catholicos of the
    Great House of Cilicia, has allocated funds for targeted assistance
    to specific families experiencing financial difficulties. He has
    also charged all the eparchies of the Cilician Catholicosate with
    providing material assistance to Syria's religious seminaries.

    Incidentally, at the time this issue was being signed to press it
    was reported from Yerevan that Syria's consul in Armenia had resigned
    and gone over to the opposition.

    [translated from Russian]
