Mediamax, Armenia
Aug 14 2012
Ukrainian Foreign Ministry calls the information on selling missiles
to Armenia `provocation'
Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called the
information on selling arms to Armenia "provocation'.
UNIAN agency reports that the Ukrainian Foreign Minister's spokesman
Alexander Dikusarov stated at a briefing today that `the information
sources placed in some internet resources are unknown and obviously
bear a provocative character'.
According to him, the Ukrainian side accurately adheres to its
international commitments undertaken within the membership to UN, OSCE
and international regimes of the expert control.
`Taking into account Ukraine 's upcoming presidency in the OSCE,
official Kiev makes and will make efforts toward reinforcing security
and stability in the region', said Alexander Dikusarov.
Aug 14 2012
Ukrainian Foreign Ministry calls the information on selling missiles
to Armenia `provocation'
Yerevan/Mediamax/. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry called the
information on selling arms to Armenia "provocation'.
UNIAN agency reports that the Ukrainian Foreign Minister's spokesman
Alexander Dikusarov stated at a briefing today that `the information
sources placed in some internet resources are unknown and obviously
bear a provocative character'.
According to him, the Ukrainian side accurately adheres to its
international commitments undertaken within the membership to UN, OSCE
and international regimes of the expert control.
`Taking into account Ukraine 's upcoming presidency in the OSCE,
official Kiev makes and will make efforts toward reinforcing security
and stability in the region', said Alexander Dikusarov.