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Tbilisi Declaration

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  • Tbilisi Declaration


    15-08-2012 11:23:32 | Georgia | Politics

    On August 11-12, 2012, the representatives of the European Movements
    of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, together with the European
    Movement International, met in Tbilisi, Georgia. After having jointly
    analysed the situation of the South Caucasus region and the ways in
    which the prevalent conflicts, especially Nagorno Karabakh, negatively
    affect its populations and states, they have agreed to work together
    towards a shared vision of their common future.

    The organisations of the European Movement in Armenia, Azerbaijan and
    Georgia reaffirm their belief that the peaceful resolution of such
    conflicts is the only acceptable path and thus call on the authorities
    to put all the necessary efforts into peace building. They recognise
    the economic, social and political problems caused by the existing
    conflicts on every side of the dividing lines, and the need for all
    sides to withdraw from the current rhetoric that leads to hatred; and
    are firmly convinced that the peaceful resolution of the conflicts
    would contribute in tackling the current democratic shortcomings and
    improve the situation of human rights in the entire region.

    The European Movement has peace at the core of its founding values and
    objectives. Although it recognizes its limitations as a civil society
    actor, it is also willing to live up to its responsibilities towards
    the development of an ever united Europe, based on the fundamental
    principles of democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law.
    Therefore, because the South Caucasus states are an integral part of
    Europe, the European Movements in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia,
    with the support of the European Movement International, have agreed

    ï - place peace in the region as the main priority for their work in
    favour of the European integration of their countries;
    ï - develop together a shared vision for the future of the region in the
    European context;
    ï - work on concrete confidence building measures, involving citizens
    and civil society organisations of the region.

    More specifically, the organisations of the European Movement have
    agreed to continue this dialogue with a follow up meeting in Baku,
    Azerbaijan, this upcoming November. They have also agreed to jointly
    promote people-to-people exchange, thus contributing to a better
    mutual understanding. Last but not least, the European Movement
    organisations of the South Caucasus have decided to jointly develop
    projects aimed at promoting friendship and peace in the region, such
    as an internet-based video channel called `Peace TV,' a joint
    electronic newsletter and visually impacting actions which cross the
    border lines.

    The European Movement understands the complexity and sensitivity of
    the existing conflicts, and is aware of the difficulties and obstacles
    that it will face in the journey that it will now initiate. At the
    same time, the European Movement's organisations in Armenia,
    Azerbaijan and Georgia believe that standing and working together is
    the best way to face these obstacles and the approach most likely to
    be successful; they invite all interested EMI Members to support their
    efforts, and to exert pressure over the EU institutions to show deeper
    commitment and engage more decisively in the peaceful resolution of
    the conflicts.

    Tbilisi, 12 August 2012

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