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  • Stepmotherland


    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 17:06:23 - 14/08/2012

    The Armenian government is very handy at inventing `invisible' but
    highly efficient ways of collecting huge sums of money from its
    citizens in a short period of time.

    One of the recent examples of this dexterity was the introduction of
    compulsory car insurance. Car owners had to pay 100 dollars on average
    on New Year's eve. And though the insurance companies are run
    privately, accretion of big sums on bank accounts allowed the
    government to solve the issue of assets for social payments for a

    Now compulsory life insurance is already being considered which is the
    first requirement for getting a loan from a bank.

    And now the fresh example. On June 1 amendments to the Code of
    Administrative Infringements came into force which require that each
    citizen of the Republic of Armenia who lives outside Armenia for over
    6 months will have to inform the diplomatic representation of
    consulate in written form. Failure to inform will incur a fine of 3000

    The number of citizens living outside Armenia more than 6 months is
    rather big. 3000 drams is not a big deal for them but the treasury
    will be filled with liquid assets. How else can the adoption of these
    amendments be explained?

    The government of Armenia should know better that tens of thousands of
    migrant workers leave Armenia every year, sometimes for over 6 months.
    It means that almost all the migrant workers will have to pay 7
    dollars each. Certainly, it is not a big sum to board the plane and
    fly to Armenia by the end of the 6th month.

    However, there is no doubt that if the `experience is successful', the
    fine will grow. The person who pays 7 will agree to pay 70.

    The most unpleasant thing about this is the predatory nature of the
    homeland. Instead of creating conditions to live and work in the
    homeland the government imposes another tax on people who have to
    leave Armenia to earn their living. This country looks like a step
