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Political Fear A Driving Force

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  • Political Fear A Driving Force

    Political Fear A Driving Force

    Naira Hayrumyan

    Story from News:

    Published: 11:38:25 - 18/08/2012

    Political fear is becoming a crucial factor in the domestic and
    geopolitical developments. In the discourse on the membership to the
    Eurasian Union and relations with Russia fear is the only argument
    those who do not mind deepening relations with Russia at the expense
    of the sovereignty of Armenia refer to.

    Ashot Manucharyan, member of the Karabakh committee, for instance,
    spoke about the inevitability of Armenia's membership to the Eurasian
    Union, states that otherwise a wet place will remain from Armenia. A
    lot of other men think so.

    Hardly anyone will doubt that Russia is able to take unexpected and
    tough steps towards Armenia. The examples are many. But is it possible
    to explain one's own steps and the choice of the way of development by
    fear. In psychology fear is not only the reaction to danger but also
    often hypertrophies danger. Meanwhile, a skilled politician will use
    fear to direct others to where it wants.

    The entire political class and political leadership of Armenia are
    under the rule of fear from Russia, social uprising, civil
    consciousness, West's almightiness, Turkish betrayal. These fears
    counterbalance one another and prevent the country from plunging into
    the abyss but when fears prevail, political panic starts.

    Russia can see the Armenian fears and hypertrophies them. Special
    people are hired who pour oil on the fire and try to infect people
    with these fears. The deeper this situation, the deeper this fear
    stampedes dignity of the nation and people. Permanent fear kills

    Living under constant fear even eliminates the meaning of living. Out
    of fear people start eating more and lose common sense.

    Ashot Manucharyan also says that in modern world everyone is allowed
    to do everything and if Russia knew about it in 2008, it would not
    deploy its troops at Tbilisi. It says it is not known how Russia will
    treat Georgia when others are allowed to do everything in Libya and

    This means that if the Americans or the others understand that Armenia
    lives in fear, they will start playing with it. What will Armenia do
    if the West also starts intimidating?

    Armenia has been living in fear for 100 years since the genocide.
    There cannot be a more terrible reason for fear, of course, but
    several next generations have been unable to defeat fear and claim to
    their territories occupied by Turkey which took their lives and
    grabbed their property and land. Now this fear makes us yield
    ourselves to Russia.

    Once we were able to overcome fear in Karabakh where the Armenians
    fought against the Russian army. The result is obvious. However, even
    this obvious result did not teach us a lesson.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress