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Victory of US Republican candidate beneficial for Caucasus - politic

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  • Victory of US Republican candidate beneficial for Caucasus - politic

    Victory of US Republican candidate beneficial for Caucasus - political analyst
    August 21, 2012 | 00:37

    YEREVAN.- The victory of Republican candidate in Nov 6 US
    presidential elections is more advantageous to the Caucasus, the head
    of Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation Stepan
    Grigoryan said in an interview with Armenian

    The general course of US presidents belonging to two main parties has
    been steady, with Democratic and Republican parties remaining
    unchanged. However, if Republican Mitt Romney is elected, the
    country's foreign policy will undergo changes since Republican Party
    has always been proactive in foreign policy issues, political
    scientist mentioned.

    Unlike Republicans, the Democratic Party is less interested in foreign
    affairs, being more concerned over the internal issues.

    `Republican administration is more is beneficial for the countries of
    our region since they will actively work here. Apart from that, among
    most dangerous issues for small countries like Armenia is to be under
    the pressure of one country. It is very important to have as much
    actors as possible in the regions,' Stepan Grigoryan said.

    The US presidential elections will take place on Nov 6 this year. The
    main struggle will take place between incumbent democratic president
    Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney.
