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Conductor Constantine Orbelian awarded Russian Order of Friendship

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  • Conductor Constantine Orbelian awarded Russian Order of Friendship

    Conductor Constantine Orbelian awarded Russian Order of Friendship

    August 20, 2012 - 17:30 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Conductor-pianist Constantine Orbelian was awarded
    Russian Order of Friendship by the government of the Russian
    Federation on July 27 at the residence of Russian Consul General
    Vladimir Vinokurov in San Francisco, reports.

    The Russian Order of Friendship medal is the highest honor Russia can
    bestow upon foreign nationals who have shown goodwill towards Russian
    arts and culture, have recognized and imparted its importance, and
    have brought it to the peoples of the world.

    In addition to the Consul General, his Excellency Sergei Kislyak,
    Russia's Ambassador to the U.S. as well as Ambassador Mikhail
    Shvedkoi, former Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, and
    currently Special Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation for
    International Cultural Cooperation were among the many distinguished
    guests at award ceremony.

    Vera Orbelian, the honoree's mother, was also present - along with
    other members of the Orbelian family and close friends.

    When presenting the Russian Order of Friendship medal, Ambassador
    Shvedkoi reminded those present that in 2004, Constantine was the
    first non-Russian to be designated a Merited Artist of the Russian
    Federation. He further recalled that back in 1812, the Russians had
    established their southernmost foothold in the U.S. at a place called
    Fort Ross, which is just north of San Francisco, and that Fort Ross is
    now celebrating its 200th anniversary.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress