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Iran looks to Armenia to skirt bank sanctions

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  • Iran looks to Armenia to skirt bank sanctions

    Aug 21 2012

    Exclusive: Iran looks to Armenia to skirt bank sanctions

    By Louis Charbonneau

    UNITED NATIONS | Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:25pm EDT

    (Reuters) - With international sanctions squeezing Iran, the Islamic
    Republic is seeking to expand its banking foothold in the Caucasus
    nation of Armenia to make up for difficulties in countries it used to
    rely on to do business, according to diplomats and documents.

    Iran's growing interest in its neighbor Armenia, a mountainous,
    landlocked country of about 3.3 million people, comes at a time of
    rising international isolation for Tehran and increasing scrutiny by
    Western governments and intelligence agencies of Iranian banking ties
    worldwide as they attempt to stifle the country's nuclear program.

    The most recent example is British bank Standard Chartered (STAN.L),
    which has been in the spotlight due to U.S. charges that it hid from
    U.S. regulators and shareholders some $250 billion of transactions
    tied to Iran.

    An expanded local-currency foothold in a neighbor like Armenia, a
    former Soviet republic which has close trade ties to Iran and is
    working hard to forge closer links to the European Union, could make
    it easier for Tehran to obfuscate payments to and from foreign clients
    and deceive Western intelligence agencies trying to prevent it from
    expanding its nuclear and missile programs.

    Armenian officials denied illicit banking links to Iran. The country's
    central bank issued a press release in response to this article,
    stating that it requires all banks to scrutinize their transactions to
    avoid dubious financial exchanges.

    "The Central Bank of Armenia will follow its supervision over the
    behavior and transactions of all financial institutions and their
    customers in ... Armenia, in order to safeguard its financial system
    from any destabilizing effects," it said.

    While the four rounds of U.N. sanctions remain limited, with only two
    Iran banks blacklisted by the Security Council, the United States and
    European Union have implemented much tougher restrictions, sanctioning
    dozens of banks and other firms and making it increasingly difficult
    for Tehran to conduct business in U.S. dollars and euros.

    A U.N. panel of experts that monitors compliance with the sanctions
    against Tehran recently submitted a report to the U.N. Security
    Council's Iran sanctions committee that concluded Iran was constantly
    searching for ways to skirt restrictions on its banking sector.

    "One state bordering Iran informed the Panel of requests from Iran to
    open new financial institutions," the report said. "The requests were
    not pursued apparently because of that country's burdensome

    Several U.N. diplomats familiar with the panel's work confirmed that
    the unnamed state was Armenia, where Iran already has banking ties.

    Despite Armenia's denials of illegal banking arrangements, Iran has
    not given up trying to expand in the country, the diplomats said, and
    U.S. officials have repeatedly cautioned Armenian colleagues to
    tighten financial controls.


    Iran's trade with Armenia, including an oil pipeline that Armenian
    news reports say should be finished in 2014, requires some form of
    cross-border banking. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said
    that Iran's annual trade with Armenia is around $1 billion, according
    to Iranian news reports.

    Engaging in transactions with Iranian banks is not a violation of
    international sanctions as long as it is not linked to Iran's nuclear
    or missile programs or companies or individuals under U.S., EU or U.N.

    Iran insists its nuclear program is peaceful and refuses to shut it
    down. It says the sanctions are illegal.

    But Washington has made clear to governments around the world that
    trading with Iranian firms that are sanctioned by the United States
    could lead to a U.S. blacklisting.

    A Western intelligence report shown to Reuters, and dated May 2012,
    said that Iran was searching for "convenient" locations to develop
    alternative banking relationships away from spy agencies and other
    international monitoring bodies. It said an expanded presence in
    Armenia was one of Iran's goals.

    "The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) has been operating for years to
    establish and develop concealed infrastructures to enable Iran to
    continue trading with foreign countries, particularly in countries
    convenient for Iranian activity, such as the UAE (United Arab
    Emirates) and Turkey," the report said.

    "The increasing pressure on the banks in some of these countries has
    forced CBI economists to seek financial alternatives in countries that
    do not work according to the dictates of the West," it said, naming
    Armenia as a target.

    In addition to Turkey and UAE, diplomats say Iran has been trying to
    develop financial channels elsewhere to avoid sanctions, focusing on
    countries like Malaysia, China, India, Brazil and, according to a
    report in the New York Times last weekend, Iraq.

    Iran has used Iraqi banks to move large amounts of cash into the
    international banking system, prompting private U.S. protests to
    Baghdad, the Times reported.

    Regarding Armenia, the Western intelligence report cited Armenian bank
    ACBA Credit Agricole Bank, a full-service institution that does
    business with individuals and companies and had some $574 million in
    assets last year, as one of Iran's principal targets.

    A Western U.N. diplomat who closely follows the sanctions on Tehran
    confirmed that ACBA was "a bank that has come up in connection with
    Iran." He declined to provide details of any potentially illicit ACBA
    transactions linked to Iran.

    Ashot Osipyan, chairman of the Union of Armenia's Banks, said it was
    impossible ACBA had any ties with Iran. "Armenian banks are financing
    only Armenia's economy," he said.

    ACBA Chief Executive Officer Stepan Gishian was similarly categorical
    in his denial of helping Iran skirt sanctions.

    "We finance exclusively the economy of Armenia," he said. "We don't
    have any relationship with Iran. We never have, we don't now and
    furthermore we don't plan on becoming a channel for financing Iran.
    What you're saying is complete nonsense."

    The central bank statement said that "banks in the Republic of
    Armenia, including 'ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank' CJSC, hold no
    correspondent accounts with banks and financial institutions in the
    Islamic Republic of Iran."

    Washington recently raised its concerns with Armenian officials about
    the possibility that Iran could exploit Armenia to bypass sanctions.
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton discussed the issue with President
    Serzh Sargsyan during a June meeting in Yerevan, a senior State
    Department official said.

    The precise content of the discussions and the outcome were unclear.


    Diplomats and intelligence officials told Reuters that Turkey and the
    UAE remain Iran's principal banking connections, while China and India
    are becoming areas of concern as Tehran now finds it difficult to
    conduct transactions in U.S. dollars and euros. As a result, it has
    turned increasingly to doing business in less-traceable local

    But Turkey and the UAE, they say, are not as welcoming these days. The
    two countries are under intense pressure from Washington and the
    European Union to clamp down on illicit Iranian commerce connected to
    a nuclear program that the Western powers and their allies suspect is
    for producing weapons - a charge Iran denies.

    Another bank that has long concerned Western powers is the Armenian
    branch of Iran's Bank Mellat, which has been under U.S. sanctions
    since 2007. While Mellat is not under U.N. sanctions, the Security
    Council cited it as a problematic bank in the text of its fourth
    sanctions resolution, passed in June 2010.

    "Over the last seven years, Bank Mellat has facilitated hundreds of
    millions of dollars in transactions for Iranian nuclear, missile, and
    defense entities," the resolution said.

    Mellat is still functioning in Yerevan, though its activities have
    drastically decreased due to U.S. and EU sanctions, according to
    Arakel Meliksetyan, deputy head of the financial intelligence unit at
    Armenia's central bank.

    The central bank statement said that Mellat's Armenian assets
    decreased more than 50 percent from $88 million to $40 million between
    December 31, 2010 and July 1, 2012.

    Mellat is cut off from the U.S., European and other financial markets
    and has virtually no business with other Armenian banks, Meliksetyan
    said. Since it was disconnected from the SWIFT system earlier this
    year, Mellat Armenia is no longer able to send or receive
    international wire transfers, he added.

    He said the bank's small customers were mainly Iranians doing business
    in Armenia, Armenians exporting to Iran, Iranians with Armenian
    backgrounds and students.

    The Mellat Armenian branch's website ( has photos of
    a brightly lit, ordinary-looking bank with the words "Accuracy,
    Courtesy, Efficiency" at the top. It lists two men with Iranian names
    as the general manager and deputy general manager and gives a P.O. box
    for an address.

    Reuters contacted the bank for responses to questions about its
    activities. After initially agreeing to a face-to-face discussion, the
    officials said they wanted written questions and have not provided
    further comment.

    Turkey was in a similar position to Armenia's once. Reuters reported
    in 2010 that Turkey was becoming a safe haven for Iranian banks. In
    response to heavy U.S. pressure to cut banking ties with Tehran,
    Western envoys say, Turkish banks have become much more cautious about
    doing business with Iranian clients.

    U.S. concerns about Armenia's commitment to implementing sanctions
    against Iranian banks are not new, according to previously secret U.S.
    diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks.

    A May 2007 cable from the U.S. embassy in Yerevan, entitled "Armenia
    Slow To Implement Bank Sepah Asset Freeze," said that Sepah, an
    Iranian bank which has been under U.N. sanctions since March 2007,
    maintained correspondent accounts with the Armenian branch of Mellat
    in breach of U.N. restrictions.

    Another cable from 2008 made clear Washington was still worried:
    "Poloff (Political Office) requested that the Armenian MFA (ministry
    of foreign affairs) advise the Central Bank of Armenia to employ extra
    vigilance in monitoring the financial transaction of the Iranian owned
    Bank Mellat in Yerevan."

    (Additional reporting by Thomas Grove, Steve Gutterman and Nastassia
    Astrasheuskaya in Moscow, Andrew Quinn in Washington, Hasmik Lazarian
    in Yerevan and Andrei Makhovsky in Minsk. Editing by Warren Strobel
    and Jim Loney)
