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Syrian Conflict Not Just Battle Against Assad

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  • Syrian Conflict Not Just Battle Against Assad

    The Washington Note
    August 20, 2012 Monday 2:25 PM EST

    Syrian Conflict Not Just Battle Against Assad

    Reuters/Benoit Tessier

    The New Yorker has just published a gripping, must read piece for
    those following the horrible convulsions inside Syria titled "The War
    Within" by Jon Lee Anderson on the diverse array of bosses,
    ideologues, thugs and strategists animating the Syrian opposition

    I highly recommend it -- and think that his characterization of the
    conflict as now indisputably a civil war is sobering, particularly for
    those advocating deep intervention by the US and Europe:

    For months, policymakers and pundits have debated whether Syria was in
    a state of civil war. Today, it undeniably is, but not in the
    schoolbook sense of the phrase, with its connotation of two tidily
    opposed sides--Yanks and Rebs squaring off at Antietam. Instead, the
    war comprises a bewildering assortment of factions. Most of the
    rebels, like seventy-five per cent of Syria's citizens, are Sunni
    Arabs, while the Assad regime is dominated by Alawites, members of a
    Shiite offshoot that makes up about eleven per cent of the population.
    But the country also has Christians of several sects, Kurds,
    non-Alawite Shiites, and Turkomans, along with Palestinians,
    Armenians, Druze, Bedouin nomads, and even some Gypsies. Each group
    has its own political and economic interests and traditional
    alliances, some of which overlap and some of which conflict. There are
    Kurds who are close to the regime and others who are opposed. Around
    the cities of Hama and Homs, the regime's paramilitary thugs are
    Alawite; in Aleppo, hired Sunnis often do the dirty work.

    Another clip that I wanted to share mentions a Syrian opposition
    chief, an Islamist "who calls himself Abu Anas", relying on Google
    Earth and lap top video clips of his fighters. Anderson profiles a
    number of key opposition personalities, all driven by radically
    different impulses but for now united in opposing Bashar al-Assad. Abu
    Anas heads the Islamist group that bombed the inner sanctum of Syrian
    military intelligence killing al-Assad's closest military chiefs and
    brother-in-law and resulting in al-Assad's brother losing his leg:

    A young aide brought some photo-copied Google Earth maps of Azaz, and
    Abu Anas, pointing out what had been the enemy's key positions,
    explained how the rebels had taken the town. "First, we cut off their
    water and electricity," he said. "Then we gradually surrounded them
    and shot at them and tried to get them to fire back at us until they
    ran out of ammunition." The final battle had stretched for twenty-four
    hours, he said, and ended only when some of Assad's soldiers began
    defecting. On a laptop, he showed a film clip, in which his men fired
    furiously at regime soldiers inside the mosque and then surged inside
    themselves. "We killed and captured some and some escaped," he said.
    "They tried to get out of town, but we ambushed and killed most of
    them." Abu Anas had taken some wounded men prisoners, but found that
    he didn't have enough medicine even for his own fighters. "We couldn't
    look after them, so we let them die," he said.

    The stories emerging of house to house killings by Syrian
    regime-supporting thugs as well as the summary executions of Syrian
    soldiers and captured officials by Syrian opposition forces while
    horrible don't quite convey the degree to which the internal tensions
    are not only a zero sum game between opposition and regime. Jon Lee
    Anderson conveys this well in his essay.

    The internal complexity of a future Syria -- made worse by meddling
    neighbors and superpowers -- will most likely make this an ongoing
    horror story with few answers, and a platform of convenience for proxy
    fights between interests tied to Russia, Iran and China and those
    supported by the US, Europe, Turkey and Sunni-led governments in the

    -- Steve Clemons is Washington Editor at Large at The Atlantic, where
    this post first appeared.
