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The Executive Approved State Budget Bill

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  • The Executive Approved State Budget Bill


    NKR Government Information and
    Public Relations Department

    At the NKR Government Session

    Today a regular session of the NKR Government headed by the Prime
    Minister Ara Haroutyunyan has been held with issues concerning the
    formation of state budget 2013.

    Minister of finances and economy Spartak Tevosyan spoke about the
    republic's main financial document of the coming year. Presenting the
    law draft "On NKR state budget 2013" he announced the main figures:
    incomes about 70 milliard 294 million AMD, expenses 71 milliard 50
    million AMD, deficit about 756 million AMD. These figures are not
    final, they must be discussed in the Parliament. S.Tevosyan emphasized
    that the bill has been formed on the basis of President's pre-election
    project's fundamental terms and on the Government activity project.

    By the words of the Minister of Finances and Economy 9% of economic
    increase and increase of own incomes is foreseen in the coming year.

    25.4 % of the budget will be used for social needs which is a
    high index comparing with the previous years. Minimal wages will be
    defined in the republic AMD 35 thousand instead of 32,5 thousand from
    January 1.

    Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan expressed his considerations briefly
    concerning the state budget 2013.He said that sensible increases are
    not foreseen in the line of expenses in the draft law, basic means
    will be directed to the state's development and deficit's redundancy.

    The state will make serious investments in the fields of agriculture
    and small and medium enterprises.

    By the Prime Minister's words 2013 will be comparably easy. By his
    prevision in case of realizing foreseen economic projects state budget
    2014 will be within the range of AMD 78 milliard. He considered
    important that allocation of state means will be considerably
    increased in the sphere of healthcare, which will allow to improve
    medical service in the republic.

    The Government approved the draft law of state budget. It will be
    submitted to the National Assembly where discussions of document will
    be continued.

    The size of payments paid to the state will be increased on account
    of mine industry.

    A draft law proposing amendments in the law "On nature conservation
    and management" is directed to it.

    At the session the Executive endorsed a package of draft laws
    concerning the social sphere and amendments are proposed to the
    law "On economic competition and security". The government proposed
    considerable changes in the law "On state pensions". These draft laws
    will be submitted to the discussion of the NA.

    Together with the documents atthached to the budget bill a number of
    state programs, 3 of which are approved at today's session others got
    positive conclusion during the previous session, will be submitted
    to the NA for judgement.

    From: Baghdasarian