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Nkr Participation In Regulation Of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Is Of A

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  • Nkr Participation In Regulation Of Nagorno Karabakh Conflict Is Of A


    12:28, 30 November, 2012

    YEREVAN, NOVEMBER 30, ARMENPRESS. The President of the Republic
    of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan issued a welcoming address to the Annual
    International Academic Forum organized by the Institute for National
    Strategic Studies and Political Science Association of Armenia,
    which is held on November 29-30, 2012. The address was delivered
    by the Head of INSS, Advisor to the Minister of Defense, Doctor of
    Political Science, MG Hayk Kotanjian. As reports "Armenpress" in the
    address it was said:

    "Let me greet all the participants and guests of the already
    traditional international conference "Regional Security Dynamics in
    the South Caucasus" on the occasion of its transformation into the
    Annual Forum. The importance of the topic of the Forum is verified
    both regarding the security interests of the regional states and the
    authority and influence of the present specialists and experts.

    The geopolitical processes occurring in the South Caucasus are complex
    and often difficult to foresee, are under the influence of regional
    and extra-regional power centers' interest pooling and competition.

    This fact creates both additional opportunities and certain challenges
    for the regional states.

    Armenia's foreign policy is based on the mutually advantageous
    cooperation with regional and global actors, mutual respect, and
    principle of interest pooling. We are sure that the open borders and
    the implementation of common economic programs can become the best
    incentive for the formation of the environment of mutual understanding
    and trust, consequently, for the settlement of political problems.

    Meanwhile, the policy aimed at creating the separation lines between
    regional states will inevitably lead to the atmosphere of instability
    and distrust in the South Caucasus as a whole.

    The critical challenges facing the region are unresolved conflicts,
    which need a comprehensive solution. Armenia is convinced that the
    existing conflicts can be settled only by peaceful negotiations on
    the basis of fundamental principles of the international law. For the
    Republic of Armenia the OSCE Minsk Group format is the only acceptable
    platform for the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    I want to put a special emphasize on the fact that a long lasting
    peace and stability can be achieved in the region only in case the
    Nagorno Karabakh population's physical security and the right to
    independently decide its fate are guaranteed.

    The arms race unleashed by Azerbaijan in the region, its bellicose
    statements and the propaganda of hatred against Armenians at the
    highest state level - the latest manifestation of which was the
    glorification of the Azerbaijani officer Safarov who assassinated with
    axe the sleeping Armenian officer - seriously undermine the security
    not only of Armenia but also of the entire South Caucasus. Under these
    conditions Armenia is forced to focus greater attention on reforming
    and improving its defense system as a key factor in containing the
    belligerent ambitions of Azerbaijan and ensuring stability in the
    South Caucasus.

    In 2008, Armenia initiated the process of Armenian-Turkish
    rapprochement offering as a first step the establishment of diplomatic
    relations and opening of the border without preconditions. In contrast
    to Turkey, Armenia today also adheres to the principles underlying
    the rapprochement.

    Realizing the significance of the involvement of the experts' potential
    in the state-level policy developing and preparing the drafts of
    strategic decisions, Armenia highly evaluates the organization of
    the Annual International Forum in Yerevan dedicated to the regional
    security dynamics with the participation of international distinguished

    I wish good luck and productive work to the Annual International
    Academic Forum dedicated to the regional security dynamics."
