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Community Unites Globally, Acts Locally To Aid Syrian Brethren

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  • Community Unites Globally, Acts Locally To Aid Syrian Brethren

    NEWS | NOVEMBER 29, 2012 11:50 AM

    Scene from the AGBU YP fundraiser in Boston
    By Gabriella Gage

    Mirror-Special Staff

    WATERTOWN - The ongoing conflict in Syria has resulted in the
    displacement of thousands of Syrian Armenians, the majority of
    those fleeing to Armenia and Lebanon, but also to Iraq, Jordan
    and elsewhere. The tremendous impact of fighting in Syria has
    unsurprisingly been felt throughout Syria.

    Prior to the conflict, more than 90,000 Armenians made Syria their
    home, predominately in the cities of Aleppo, Damascus, Homs, Kamishli
    and Latakia. What is more surprising is the corresponding impact the
    crisis in Syria has had on its sister diasporan communities throughout
    the world.

    Despite the political, regional and even religious divisions that
    normally plague cooperative efforts in the global Armenian community,
    every facet of the diaspora seems to have united to address the needs
    of the Syrian-Armenian community.

    The first step to uniting in efforts to aid the Syrian-Armenian
    community is understanding the crisis at hand. According to
    Prof. Ara Sanjian of the University of Michigan, Dearborn, there
    are two dimensions to the Syrian conflict. The first is the internal
    conflict that was sparked after years of the centralized authoritarian
    government failing to meet the needs of the general population,
    especially in rural areas. From the initial upheaval in rural regions,
    the uprisings eventually moved toward a demand for democratizing
    within the country by various segments of the population.

    "The second dimension of the conflict - and possibly the more important
    one - is the international implications of the revolts.

    Because Syria has been a staunch ally of Iran, several Western
    countries such as the US would likely prefer to unseat Syrian
    President Bashar al-Assad's regime, while others such as Iran,
    Russia and China support his regime. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and
    Qatar have made no attempts to hide their intentions to unseat Bashar
    al-Assad, as evidenced by their financial and military support of
    oppositional forces," said Sanjian. In the midst of this complicated
    web of international tensions, the Syrian Armenians wait in hopes of
    returning to home and to normalcy.

    Thousands of Syrians have fled the region, especially those who have
    been able to acquire the resources to migrate. Many still remain
    in Syria, hoping for a quick end to the fighting and a return to
    normalcy that may never come. For those Syrian-Armenians who have fled
    to Armenia or Lebanon, he said, the future is unclear. The desire to
    eventually return home still remains, but others are confronting the
    possibility of permanent emigration, he explained. Armenia, he noted,
    is not in a position to accept and absorb unlimited immigrants.

    "It is difficult to dismantle what you have assembled over many
    generations and just leave your home," Sanjian noted.

    In response to these dire circumstances, efforts to aid Syrian
    Armenians have come from communities across the globe, from large
    scale to individual efforts. The Armenian National Committee of
    Australia (ANC Australia) recently partnered with the Australian
    Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Department
    of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFAT) in securing $24.5 million aid
    package for Syrian-Armenians who have fled to Armenia. On November 22,
    the ANC-Australia website posted a press release from Walt Secord, a
    member of the Australian Legislative Council, stating, "I will note my
    concerns regarding the plight of Armenians in Syria as events continue
    to unfold. Just last month an important Armenian church in Aleppo was
    set ablaze and Armenians were kidnapped. I know that members of the
    local Armenian community are worried about their loved ones in Syria.

    My thoughts are with them at this time."

    One of the largest coordinated efforts has come through the formation
    of the Syrian Armenian Relief Fund (SARF), which includes the Western
    Diocese of the Armenian Church, Western Prelacy of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church of America, Armenian Catholic Eparchy in North
    America, Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation-Western U.S.A. (ARFD), Social Democrat Hunchakian
    Party-Western USA, Armenian Evangelical Union of North America,
    Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian Missionary Association
    of America and Armenian Relief Society of Western USA.

    Fundraising efforts by SARF have also included the two Hye AID
    concerts in Pasadena and San Francisco, with two more Hye Aid concerts
    planned in California, "together with educating and mobilizing the
    public and publicizing the calamity that has stricken the Syrian
    Armenian communities thru the print, audio and visual media and
    during all activities," according to Executive Committee Chairperson
    Zaven Khanjian. "There is the natural-human, national-Armenian and
    Christian-ethical/moral obligations. All three. We would have done
    it to any and all communities in peril. It must be said though that
    the Syrian-Armenian community has a special place in the Armenian
    Diaspora. It is the mother of all Armenian Diaspora communities. The
    closest to historical Armenia where the memories and monuments to
    the Genocide are living cries in the face of humanity."

    SARF partnered with the Suryahayutyan Shdab Oknutyan Ojantag Marmin
    (the Syrian-Armenian Emergency Relief Organization) a pan-Armenian
    coalition, which also facilitates the transfer of aid and funds through
    the Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia. According to Khanjian,
    they have already transferred $100,000 of the funds raised overseas
    and are preparing for the transfer of another $250,000 to take place
    imminently. Overall, about $500,000 in contributions and pledges have
    been raised by this body in the last three months alone.

    Prior to coordination with SARF, the Armenian Relief Society (ARS)
    relief efforts had primarily focused on aiding Armenian schools in
    Syria with financial assistance to needy students and helping to
    relieve financial burdens placed on schools. Through these efforts,
    they have raised more than $100,000 globally to aid Syrian-Armenian
    schools and students, and the funds were transferred over through
    religious headquarters in Lebanon. "In the global diaspora, whenever
    one of the communities is in distress, the other communities have
    an obligation to lend a supporting hand," said Vice Chair of ARS
    Central Executive Board Nairy Shahinian on the importance of aiding
    Syrian communities.

    Currently, the ARS is also acting as part of a pan-Armenian effort
    "made up of the global communities coming together to create a vivid
    awareness amongst all the Armenian communities," said Shahinian. The
    ARS helps provide weekly hot meal plans to the needy, as well as
    medications, in addition to raising funds. From large-scale efforts
    to weekly church collections for Syria in local communities, the ARS
    hopes to continue its aid efforts and encourages readers to contact
    their local ARS chapters for more ways to help.

    Another sponsoring organization of SARF, is ARFD's "Help Your Brother"
    initiative, has transported nearly two tons of plane cargo carrying
    medicine, food and goods.

    "Help Your Brother" also oversaw donations to the "Kashatagh Fund"
    for the housing of 20 Syrian-Armenian families settling in Kashatagh
    in Artsakh (Karabagh).

    Elsewhere, Hayastan All-Armenian Fund has publicly committed to
    donating at least 10 percent of the funds raised at its annual
    Thanksgiving Day telethon this year, to aid Syria. The organization
    raised $21 million in pledges, which will primarily benefit
    construction projects in Armenia and Artsakh.

    At the local level, members of the Boston chapter of the AGBU Young
    Professionals recently hosted a fundraising dinner at the Armenian
    American Social Club (Agoump) in Watertown. According to Laura
    Michael, YP Boston chairperson, more than 50 people attended the
    event and/or donated, with further donations still being accepted

    YP member and attendee Nicole Meregian said, "The AGBU YP fundraiser
    was a huge success[...] both Armenians and non-Armenians attended, and
    raised over $1,000. I think it's important to help Armenians, not just
    locally, but also globally and especially in times of need such as now
    in Syria. The Armenian community in Syria is relying on local efforts
    to address their basic needs. The local community in Boston needs to
    be aware of the magnitude of devastation to the Syrian Armenians."

    Meanwhile in Aleppo, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent has started
    distributing the aid presented by the Armenian people to the Syrians in
    order to help them cope with damages, losses and economic sanctions,
    after a third aid plane arrived at Aleppo International airport on
    November 9. Director of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent in Aleppo, Hael
    Assi, has coordinated with the Armenian Embassy and the Armenian
    Orthodox Archdiocese in Aleppo to facilitate the distribution of
    supplies and aid. Secretary of the Baath Party branch in Aleppo,
    Hilal Hilal, said that the Syrian people "highly appreciate this
    humanitarian stance of the Armenian people and government, underling
    the strong Syrian-Armenian cooperation.

    Religious sects across the Armenian Diaspora have also united under
    a single cause.

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, the Armenian Prelacy and
    the Armenian Catholic Church have all coordinated efforts. The Prelacy
    and members of the Catholic and Protestant churches have participated
    in fundraisers in Boston, Detroit, New York and Chicago, respectively.

    According to the Eastern Diocese Communications Director Christopher
    H. Zakian, "At the directive of Archbishop [Khajag] Barsamian,
    the Diocese instituted a fundraising drive last August, which has
    included plate collections at the parish level, periodic promotion
    in our weekly e-newsletter and on social media platforms, as well as
    an ongoing donor opportunity on our website. All the proceeds will
    go to the relief effort, to be distributed through the Mother See
    of Holy Echmiadzin, which is working with and through the Armenian
    Church Diocese of Syria."

    The Diocese has been working with the Primate of Syria, Bishop
    Armash Nalbandian, to keep informed on the situation and promoted
    communication in order to coordinate humanitarian efforts. "The
    Primate has urged all our people to keep our countrymen in Syria in
    their prayers and to pray that the historic and long-lived Armenian
    community there, once a place of refuge for so many of our ancestors,
    will endure through this period and eventually enter a new period of
    wellbeing and peace," added Zakian.

    Members of Congress React

    The US political community has also drawn attention to the crisis,
    with Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass.) who serves as co-chairman of
    the Tom Lantos Congressional Human Rights Caucus, voicing his strong
    support for US humanitarian efforts to Syria, including an ANCA-backed
    provision in the House Appropriations Committee's version of the
    FY13 State-Foreign Operations Bill calling on the State Department
    to prioritize humanitarian and resettlement assistance for minority
    communities, including Armenians and other Christian populations
    in Syria.

    Tying the crisis in Syria to the American-Armenian community, McGovern
    wrote, "As you are very much aware, the Armenian community of Syria,
    particularly those in and around the Aleppo region, includes a great
    many descendants of survivors of the Armenian Genocide and the forced
    death marches through the Syrian desert. These Armenians, along with
    other Christian and minority populations, are, today, increasingly the
    victims of violence - in the form of bombings, sniper attacks, murders,
    kidnapping, and acts of destruction and desecration of holy sites."

    These are only some of the organizations globally working to aid
    Syrian Armenians.

    Further global communication and cooperation will be necessary as
    the conflict continues. Government agencies and larger organizations
    "must coordinate on the ground and abroad in order to ensure the even,
    efficient distribution of resources, so that no one gets left behind,"
    said Sanjian.

    From: Baghdasarian