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BAKU: Azeri authorities warn Mexico over plans to remove statue

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  • BAKU: Azeri authorities warn Mexico over plans to remove statue

    APA, Azerbaijan
    Nov 24 2012

    Azeri authorities warn Mexico over plans to remove statue

    [Translated from Azeri]

    Azerbaijan may take its embassy and investment projects elsewhere,
    officials have said as Mexican authorities discuss removing the late
    Azerbaijani president's statue from the central park in Mexico City.

    In an interview with the APA news agency on 24 November Elman
    Abdullayev, spokesman for the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, said that
    the statue to Heydar Aliyev is a symbol of friendship and implied that
    the Armenian diaspora was at work. "One gets the impression that the
    Armenian diaspora is tapping into all resources and connections in
    order to hinder the communication of Azerbaijan's realities to the
    world," the agency quoted him as saying.

    Abdullayev said that as a strong regional state Azerbaijan is
    attractive for many countries. "Along with investing in other
    countries, Azerbaijan is itself interested in investing abroad. We
    believe that it is important to preserve such partnership relations."

    The statue to Heydar Aliyev, who is the father of incumbent President
    Ilham Aliyev, was erected in the park refurbished with the funds of
    the Azerbaijani embassy in the country and the relevant contract
    states that the statue has to remain in the park for 99 years.

    Earlier, Russia's RIA Novosti quoted the Azerbaijani ambassador to
    Mexico, Ilqar Muxtarov, as saying that if the statue is removed,
    Azerbaijan may give up on investment projects in Mexico worth 4bn
    dollars. "If the statue is removed, there is no doubt that this will
    cause bilateral relations to deteriorate. Also the envisaged
    investments will not materialize. The last step will be the closure of
    the Azerbaijani embassy in the country," RIA Novosti quoted him as

    The Azerbaijani embassy in Mexico represents Azerbaijan in six Latin
    American countries. Muxtarov said that diplomatic relations will not
    be severed, but the embassy may be moved to one of the other

    Web user comments

    A report posted on the Azeri service of Radio Liberty on 24 November
    attracted 25 user comments as of 29 November.

    User "Farid": "We must learn this lesson of wisdom from the Mexican
    people. As Ilham Aliyev said 'This is unacceptable' and together with
    this statue, this regime has to be dismantled!!!!!"

    User "bakili": "I wonder how much kickback the embassy received from
    the 5m dollars spent on the refurbishment of the park in Mexico. When
    there is money for us sacred issues take the backseat".

    User "Elvin": "I was happy from my heart for this news. Let the day
    come when all statues are removed".

    User "Faiq": "Let the day come when Heydar's statues in Azerbaijan are

    Four users commented on another report posted on the Radio Liberty
    website on 26 November.

    User "aysiay": "Four billion dollars are being invested in Mexico
    because the statue of Ilham's father was erected. The nation is
    sinking and perishing, but look at their obsession with the statue".

    User "Azar": "If a country spends one-fourth of its budget on one
    statue we can think of the following: the state is gambling the

    User "cenub": "We agree. Let them pay 1m to each household and place
    it down our street. We will confirm in notary's office that we will
    not demolish it as long as Ilham I is in power".

    [Translated from Azeri]
