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Dancing Devils, Armenian Poem "Daredevils of Sassoun" Vie For UNESCO

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  • Dancing Devils, Armenian Poem "Daredevils of Sassoun" Vie For UNESCO

    Nov 30 2012

    Dancing devils, Armenian poem vie for UNESCO label

    By Vicky Buffery

    (Reuters) - An array of little-known and sometimes outlandish
    traditions vie for international recognition when the United Nations
    cultural agency UNESCO meets next week to select new additions to its
    world heritage list.

    Venezuelan Dancing Devils and the Armenian epic poem "Daredevils of
    Sassoun" are among the more exotic contenders for a spot on the
    intangible heritage list, created in 2003 to safeguard the world's art
    forms and cultural rituals.

    Some 51 contenders are hoping for recognition this year from the
    Paris-based U.N. organization for Education, Science and Culture, from
    hat-weaving to folk-singing, embroidery and falconry.

    The tiny southern African kingdom of Lesotho hopes to win a spot in
    the U.N. ranks for "Letsema" - its pragmatic tradition of "getting
    together to accomplish heavy tasks". Such tasks, it says, can include
    collecting stones or threshing wheat while others sing, read recite
    poetry or ululate.

    Mongolia, having learned selection was unlikely, withdrew one entry -
    knuckle-bone shooting, an activity where people flick marbles at
    polished sheep ankle bones while singing "Hail you, friend" to each

    Contenders will be assessed from December 3 to 7, with winners
    announced at the end of each day.

    "If a country has a particular way of laying a table for Christmas
    dinner, dressing for a wedding, or celebrating an historical event,
    then that's an intangible act," said Cecile Duvelle, Secretary of the
    UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural

    "Our aim is to help countries keep these traditions alive and ensure
    they are passed on through generations to maintain a common sense of
    identity," she said.

    Founded in 1945, UNESCO is best known for its World Heritage List,
    created 40 years ago, which includes around 1,000 natural and cultural
    sites considered of outstanding universal value.

    More recently the agency has focused on safeguarding "intangible"
    culture such as language and traditions. Past additions include the
    art of the French gastronomic meal, Portuguese Fado singing and
    Spanish Flamenco.

    Nations can apply for a grant from the Convention's $6.5 million
    annual budget to help save a custom thought to be dying.

    The majority, however, seek inclusion on the "representative list",
    which comes with no financial aid, but provides recognition and media

    To qualify for inclusion, nations have to show the activity is part of
    their cultural heritage and promotes social cohesion.

    The Armenian epic poem known as "Daredevils of Sassoun" or "David of
    Sassoun", for example, dates back to the 7th century and is recited
    for social gatherings or to children for fun.

    Meanwhile, Venezuela's Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi emerged in the
    17th century: "devils" in bright red costumes and ferocious masks
    parade through the streets and chase locals, while being whipped by a
    "captain" or chief devil.

    The climax comes when the devils finally surrender, depicting the
    triumph of good over evil.

    (Editing by Brian Love and Paul Casciato)
