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A Zionist in disguise: Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan's phony anti-

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  • A Zionist in disguise: Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan's phony anti-

    A Zionist in disguise: Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan's phony anti-Israel
    rhetoricBy Cem Ertür
    Global Research, November 30, 2012

    [image: israel]

    Propaganda alert compiled by Cem Ertür

    Mr Erdogan's Cairo visit took place in the midst of Israel's eight-day
    on Gaza. Notwithstanding his habitual posturing over Israel's war crimes,
    the focal point of his speech at the Cairo University was Syria:

    `This carnage the Syrian people have been subjected to, is a disgrace not
    only to the Syrian Regime, but also for the international community and the
    entire humanity.' [1]

    The fact remains that for the past 20 years, Turkey, Israel and NATO have
    maintained a high level of military and political cooperation against Iraq,
    Iran, Syria and the resistance groups in Palestine and Lebanon.
    Furthermore, since April 2011, Mr Erdogan's government has been thoroughly
    complicit in NATO's war crimes in Syria.

    Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister
    Ehud Olmert, Ankara, 22 December 2008

    Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israeli Prime Minister
    Ehud Olmert (2006-2009), Ankara, 22 December 2008

    Five days after Mr Olmert's meeting with Mr Erdogan, Israel launched a war
    on Gaza. Towards the end of the three-week-long war, in a speech at his
    party's parliamentary group meeting, Mr Erdogan said:

    `The Greater Middle East Project was an initiative launched with a view to
    [bringing] peace to the Middle East as well as promoting its economic
    development, civil rights, women's rights and freedom of education and
    carrying these rights further. Turkey was given a role in this project and
    we have accepted .' [3]

    After the ceasefire, Mr Erdogan had a world-famous `outburst' at the
    Israeli President Peres during the World Economic Forum. [4] Only two
    weeks later, he made the following remarks in an interview with the Turkish
    daily Sabah:

    `Our relations with Israel continue based on mutual interests. Those who
    leave the table in fury return to it with losses. Some have suggested that
    we end Israeli [Air Force] training flights in Konya (). The truth is that
    not just Israel but ten countries pay to receive flight training in Konya.
    Indeed, our General Staff also announced that relations with Israel will
    continue in accordance with Turkey's interests. Military contracts and
    orders also remain in force. There are many agreements with Israel, old and
    new. These all remain in force. We have to be very careful in interstate
    relations. The Israeli state and the Israeli people are separate issues. I
    always say that anti-Semitism is a crime against humanity.' [5]

    () Mr Erdogan refers to the `Anatolian Eagle' joint air force exercises
    in central Turkey, which started in June 2001 with the participation of the
    United States, Turkey and Israel.

    Israeli President Shimon Peres toasts with Turkey's President Abdullah Gul
    and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during their official dinner in
    Ankara, 12 November 2007

    Israeli President Shimon Peres toasts with Turkey's President Abdullah Gul
    and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at a dinner in his honour, Cankaya
    presidential residence, Ankara, 12 November 2007

    `I thanked Mr Peres for his efforts to defeat a bill in the US House of
    Representatives that defines the incidents of 1915 from an Armenian
    perspective. I sincerely hope that Peres' visit to Ankara will contribute
    to peace in the Middle East. The speeches to be delivered by Peres and
    Palestinian President [sic] Mahmoud Abbas at the Turkish parliament on
    Tuesday will contribute to peace in the Middle East.' [2]

    Two months before President Peres' visit, in an ultimate act of war,
    Israeli jets used Turkey's airspace to launch a bombing raid on the Syrian
    territory. To this day, Mr Erdogan has remained silent about this incident.

    Turkey's PM Erdogan receives the ADL's `Courage to Care' award from ADL
    National Director Abraham Foxman, ADL headquarters, New York, 10 June 2005

    Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan receives Anti-Defamation
    League's (ADL) `Courage to Care' award from ADL's director Abraham
    at the ADL headquarters, New York, 10 June 2005

    In accepting an award from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on behalf of
    [Turkey's] diplomats who saved Jews during the Holocaust, Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan strongly condemned anti-Semitism and stressed
    his country's close relationship with the modern State of Israel. [6]

    On the same day, Mr Erdogan conducted an interview with the New York Times:

    'Turkey cannot in any way approve of oppressive regimes, and at this point
    there is nothing Turkey can take as an example from Syria, while there is
    lots that Syria can take as examples from Turkey.' [7]

    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Turkey's Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan, Jerusalem, 1 May 2005

    Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon (2001-2006) and Turkey's Prime Minister
    Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Jerusalem, 1 May 2005

    Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan invited Prime Minister Sharon to visit
    Turkey. [=85] Erdogan said that the Turkish government views anti-Semitism
    as a crime against humanity. [8] Ahead of a meeting with his Israeli
    counterpart Ariel Sharon, Erdogan held talks with President Moshe Katsav
    [2000-2007] [...] `We have to drain the swamp of terrorism. We have to
    show solidarity in our common war against terrorism,' Erdogan was quoted
    saying in a statement issued by Katsav's office. [9]

    Back in October 2002, in a campaign speech delivered six month prior to his
    first electoral win, Mr Erdogan said:

    `Sharon is unleashing state terrorism upon Palestine. Sharon must be
    prosecuted just like Milosevic was [at the International Criminal Court] in
    The Hague.' [10]

    Turkey's PM Erdogan receives the ADL's `Courage to Care' award from ADL
    National Director Abraham Foxman, ADL headquarters, New York, 10 June 2005

    Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan receives the `Profiles in
    Courage' award from American Jewish Congress (AJC) President Jack Rosen,
    HSBC headquarters in New York, 26 January 2004. The person standing next to
    Mr Rosen is the President and Chief Executive Officer of HSBC USA Martin

    In his acceptance speech, Mr Erdogan echoed U.S. President George Bush and
    UK Prime Minister Tony Blair [11]:

    `Today, with the presentation of the `Profile of Courage' award to the
    Turkish Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, by the American Jewish
    Congress at the New York building of HSBC, there is a strong message being
    conveyed to archaic terrorist mentality. We will not tolerate terrorism and
    we will act in solidarity to wipe it from the face of the earth. Our
    country is against all kinds of terrorism and we support the United States
    in its efforts in combating international terrorism whole-heartedly.' [12]

    Targeting two synagogues, HSBC bank headquarters and the British Embassy,
    the November 2003 bomb attacks in Istanbul bear the hallmarks of an Al
    Qaeda false-flag operation. Furthermore, only three months ago, two
    suspects and the solicitor of the alleged mastermind were killed in Aleppo
    whilst fighting NATO's proxy war against the Syrian Army. [13]

    A report published a month before the Istanbul bombings indicates the
    actual motive behind the ADL award:

    The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), an influential
    Jewish group based in Washington, praised the Turkish Parliament's decision
    [on October 7th, 2003] to allow the deployment of peacekeepers [i.e.
    troops] in Iraq and said the move boosted U.S. confidence in Turkey. That
    might also give a privileged position to Turkey in garnering contracts in
    the reconstruction of Iraq, the institute said in a statement. [14]


    American Jewish Congress (AJC), Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) and
    Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) are all prominent
    Zionist organisations in the United States.

    The quotes from the Turkish sources have been translated by Cem Ertür.


    [1] Erdogan: Er ya da gec katledilen o masum yavrucaklarin hesabi mutlaka
    ama mutlaka sorulacaktir

    [Erdogan: Sooner or later there will be a holding to account for the
    massacre of these innocent children]

    Milliyet, 17 November 2012

    [2] Turkish premier, Israeli president agree cooperation needed in region

    BBC Monitoring European, 13 November 2007

    [3] AK Parti Grup Baskani ve Basbakan Sayin Recep Tayyip Erdogan'in 13 Ocak
    2009 Tarihli Grup Konusmasi

    [Speech delivered by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Justice and
    Development Party's parliamentary group meeting on January 13th, 2009]

    AK Parti website, 13 January 2009

    [4] Dialogue between Erdogan and Peres

    Hurriyet Daily News, 30 Janaury 2009

    [5] Ties with Israel continue to be based on mutual interests - Turkish

    BBC Monitoring European, 16 February 2009

    link to the original source in Turkish:

    [6] Prime Minister Erdogan Tells ADL That `Anti-Semitism Has No Place in

    ADL website, 10 June 2005

    [7] Turkish Leader Spells Out More Vigorous Role in Iraq

    by Warren Hoge, New York Times, 11 June 2005

    [8] PM Sharon met with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan

    [Israeli] Prime Minister's Office, 1 May 2005

    [9] Erdogan says Turkey, Israel must unite to drain `swamp of terror'
    AFP, 1 May 2005

    [10] Saron Lahey'de yargilansin

    [Sharon must be prosecuted at The Hague]

    Yeni Safak, 14 April 2002

    [11] President Bush, Prime Minister Hold Joint Press Conference

    U.S. Department of State website, 20 November 2003

    [12] Turkish PM to AJC Congress: We will wipe terrorism from the face of
    the earth

    American Jewish Congress website, 27 January 2004

    [13] Here are Tayyip's `real sons', 17 August 2012

    [14] US Jewish group praises Turkish decision to send troops to Iraq

    Turkish Daily News, 11 October 2003
