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Turkmen President: Armenians living in our country speak Turkmen bet

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  • Turkmen President: Armenians living in our country speak Turkmen bet

    Turkmen President: Armenians living in our country speak Turkmen
    better than our fellow citizens of other nationalities

    10:23 30/11/2012 » SOCIETY

    At the end of the official part of his visit to Armenia, Turkmen
    President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited Mesrop Mashtots Institute
    of Ancient Manuscripts (Matenadaran) on Thursday, November 29.

    The Turkmen leader and the delegation accompanying him familiarized
    themselves with the exhibits.

    Speaking to Matenadaran employees, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highly
    evaluated the activities of the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts in
    the development of world science and culture.

    When one of the Matenadaran employees noted that there is a large
    Armenian community in Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said,
    `The Armenians living in our country speak Turkmen better than our
    fellow citizens of other nationalities. Being a dentist, I have had
    frequent contacts with Armenians within the framework of my job, and I
    can say that they are good specialists.'

