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Armenia forced to upgrade defense - president

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  • Armenia forced to upgrade defense - president

    Interfax, Russia
    Nov 30 2012

    Armenia forced to upgrade defense - president

    YEREVAN. Nov 30

    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan stands for the return of Stepanakert
    to the Karabakh settlement negotiations.

    "I would like to emphasize that the region may attain lasting peace
    and stability only on condition of guaranteed physical security of
    Karabakh people and their right to make independent decisions on their
    future," the Armenian president said in greetings to the international
    scientific forum, "Regional Security Dynamics in the South Caucasus."

    "In this context, the return of the Karabakh Republic to the
    settlement process is very important," he said.

    "The regional arms race unleashed by Azerbaijan, militarist statements
    and propaganda of Armyanophobia (a phobia of Armenia) on the top state
    level create serious threats to the security of Armenia and the entire
    South Caucasus," he said. "In this situation Armenia is forced to
    concentrate on the reform and modernization of its defense as a factor
    of deterrence of militarist aspirations of Azerbaijan and provision of
    stability in the South Caucasus," Sargsyan said.

    The international forum takes place in Yerevan on November 29-30. Its
    organizers are the Armenian Defense Ministry's National Strategy
    Research Institute and the Political Science Association of Armenia.

    te jv
