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Turkmen leader's official visit to Armenia

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  • Turkmen leader's official visit to Armenia

    Turkmen TV Altyn Asyr channel, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
    Nov 29 2012

    Turkmen leader's official visit to Armenia

    [Excerpts Translated from Turkmen]

    Today Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow started his two-day
    official visit to Armenia.

    [Passage omitted: welcoming ceremony in Yerevan]

    In the first part of the day, the Turkmen leader's motorcade went to
    the presidential palace. The Armenian president, Serzh Sargsyan,
    warmly welcomed the Turkmen president, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, at
    the main entrance of the palace. The one-to-one Turkmen-Armenian talks
    were held at the Golden Hall of the palace.

    [Passage omitted: the Armenian president welcomed Berdimuhamedow]

    During the meeting, which was held in an atmosphere of mutual
    understanding, trust and business environment, the presidents of
    Turkmenistan and Armenia discussed wide range of issues related to
    interstate cooperation, paid particular attention to implementation of
    earlier reached mutual agreements and determined long-term priority
    areas for the Turkmen-Armenian interaction.

    The two countries' leaders also exchanged opinions on urgent issues of
    international and regional policy of mutual interest. Then the
    negotiations continued in an expanded format with participation of
    official delegations of the two countries in the White Hall.

    [Passage omitted: the presidents stressed the importance of the
    negotiations for further strengthening cooperation between the
    countries; humanitarian issues were discussed during the meeting]

    Following the expanded meeting, a ceremony to sign bilateral official
    documents was held at the Big Hall. The president of Turkmenistan,
    Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, and the Armenian president, Serzh Sargsyan,
    under the applause of those gathered there, signed a joint communique.
    Then with the participation of the heads of the two states the
    following agreements were signed: an agreement between the government
    of Turkmenistan and the government of Armenia on mutual providing land
    plots for the embassy of Turkmenistan in Armenia and the embassy of
    Armenia in Turkmenistan; an agreement between the government of
    Turkmenistan and the government of Armenia on air communications; an
    agreement between the government of Turkmenistan and the government of
    Armenia on scientific and technical cooperation; an agreement between
    the government of Turkmenistan and the government of Armenia on
    cooperation in the field of seismic protection; an agreement between
    the government of Turkmenistan and the government of Armenia in the
    field of veterinary; and an agreement between the Ministry of
    Agriculture of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia
    on cooperation in the agricultural field.

    [Passage omitted: following the ceremony the president made statement
    for media on issues discussed during the negotiations]

    In the afternoon, a business lunch meeting was held between the
    president of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, and the prime
    minister of Armenia, Tigran Sargsyan, at the Big Hall of the Reception
    House. Then from Receptions House the president of Turkmenistan,
    Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, went to the National Assembly of Armenia,
    which is the legislative body of the country. There the head of state
    had a meeting with the chairman of the National Assembly, Hovik

    [Passage omitted: then the Turkmen president visited Yerevan State
    University, a research institute of manuscripts, the Turkmen leader's
    visit is continuing]

    From: A. Papazian