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Barroso urges sides of NKR conflict to remain faithful to MG process

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  • Barroso urges sides of NKR conflict to remain faithful to MG process

    Barroso urges sides of NKR conflict to remain faithful to the process
    of Minsk Group

    13:43, 1 December, 2012

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS: Settlement of NKR conflict remains to
    be the priority of EU external policy. This was stated by European
    Commission President Manuel Barroso on December 1 meeting with
    representatives of Armenian civil society. `There is an opinion that
    the conflict is frozen and there is no possible solution. Despite the
    task is rather difficult I am sure that it is possible to reach peace
    and we need to do that. We urge the sides of the conflict to remain
    faithful to the process of Minsk group both on word and deed and
    return to the discussion of crucial issues' Armenpress quoted Manuel
    Barroso as saying.

    According to him EU is willing to provide with the all needed support
    in addition to the Minsk Group efforts.

    `Under the instrument for stability a new program will be adopted in
    June which is mainly aimed at the peaceful settlement of NKR conflict.
    The principals of the agreement are already ready. It is only the
    political courage needed for their implementation' Barroso declared.

    European Commission President Manuel Barroso arrived in Armenia on the
    invitation of Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan.
