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Taxpayer Rip-Off: Former Shnogh Mayor Was A Shrewd Wheeler-Dealer

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  • Taxpayer Rip-Off: Former Shnogh Mayor Was A Shrewd Wheeler-Dealer

    Larisa Paremuzyan
    13:43, December 4, 2012

    Here's yet another story of official wheeling dealing on a local
    level in Armenia.

    It has now come to light that former Shnogh Village Mayor Haykaz
    Kochinyan was paying 1.2 million AMD ($3,000) every year from 2007
    to 2011 out of the community budget in gas expenses for a car that
    didn't run and that was parked in the mayor's outside garage for the
    years in question.

    Don't be surprised to learn that the gas station Kochinyan was paying
    the money to is registered in the name of his sister and a relative
    of the former Toumanyan Police Chief Artoush Boshyan.

    Kochinyan purchased the Mercedes S-500 from his son Edgar in 2007
    for 4.9 million AMD. The car was in no condition to be driven.

    What's even more appalling is the 4.9 million to purchase the Mercedes
    was lifted from the community budget as well. In total, 10.9 million
    in taxpayer money was spent to buy the car, on repairs and gasoline.

    All for a car that has been sitting, rusting away, in the mayor's
    parking lot.

    Naturally, we asked around to find out how community money had been
    allocated for so many years for a car that couldn't be driven.

    Here's the incredible response of Svetlana Javakhyan, chief accountant
    of the Shnogh Municipality.

    "Yes, I was the one signing the gasoline payment vouchers, but does
    that make me responsible?"

    To add insult to injury, Javakhyan knew the Mercedes was a heap of
    junk and she couldn't provide us with any mileage logs for the car.

    Three years after purchasing the Mercedes, Mayor Kochinyan bought a
    2005 Niva from village resident Garnik Mashinyan for 4.260 million;
    again using taxpayer money.

    Current Shnogh Mayor Hovik Sahakyan says the price paid was way above
    the actual value of the Niva.

    The mayor's office has also unearthed another swindle by Kochinyan.

    t seems that a non-workable tractor had been abandoned in a field after
    the collapse of the Soviet Union. It lay rusting in a nearby field.

    The craft former mayor registered it in the name of fellow village
    resident Arayik Avetyan in 2010. Lo and behold, that same year,
    3.740 million was allocated from the Shnogh budget to buy the 23
    year-old tractor.

    Kochinyan was then able to get his hands on 8,000 liters of diesel
    at a cheap price through a government subsidy arrangement designed
    to assist farmers.

    The diesel, according to accountant Javakhyan, was then handed over,
    for safekeeping, to Samvel Hobosyan, who was renting the diesel
    station owned by Haykaz Kochinyan.

    Tractor operator Sarbek Amirjanyan told this reporter that none of
    the 8,000 liters was ever sold to local farmers at reduced prices as
    per the government program. In fact, none of the people we talked to
    in Shnogh ever saw any of the diesel fuel.

    Today, Shnogh residents are also up in arms about another sleight of
    hand that the former mayor got away with while in office.

    They are demanding that Kochinyan return 400 square meters of
    the second floor of the local outpatient clinic that he illegally
    privatized in 2005. It seems that Kochinyan had plans to turn the
    space into his own medical walk-in clinic.

    Kochinyan had struck a deal with the temporary director of the
    outpatient clinic and was supposed to pay 600,000 AMD within three
    days of signing the contract.

    Kochinyan hasn't paid a dime in the past seven years.

    Current Mayor Sahakyan says the community desperately needs the space
    and that he is committed to having it returned to the public clinic.

    In the meantime, as Shnogh residents uncover more dirt about their
    former mayor, law enforcement at the regional level do their best to
    shovel it back under and out of sight.

    From: Baghdasarian