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Arf Application On The Agenda Of December 7 Session Of The Ethics Ad

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  • Arf Application On The Agenda Of December 7 Session Of The Ethics Ad


    12/05/2012 - 15:04

    The NA Ethics Committee will discuss at the session of December 7
    the questions regarding the examination of the applications of the
    ARF fraction leader Armen Rustamyan and citizen M. Patvakanyan. We
    were informed from the agenda of the session of December 7 published
    at the webpage of the indicated Committee.

    As a result of the examination the Committee will have to make a
    decision on either starting an investigation on the grounds of the
    application or reject it.

    As '' informed earlier, the NA ARF fraction referred to
    the temporary ethics committee on November 28 with the request to
    discuss and make a relevant decision regarding the violations of the
    ethics rules provided by the Article 6.1 Section 2, Clauses a) b)
    c) and demonstrated by the non-registered MPs at the extraordinary
    session of the NA on November 21. The list of the MPs was attached
    to the application.

    It was noted in the application that the violation of the ethics
    rules was the absence from the above-mentioned session. 'Whereas, in
    accordance with Article 6 Section 1 Clause a) of the NA regulatory-law
    the MPs must be present at the sessions' is stated in the application.

    According to the applicant, each of those MPs hindered the
    realization of the NA functions prescribed by the Constitution and
    in fact contributed to the failure of the calling and holding the NA
    extraordinary session prescribed by Article 70 of the Constitution.

    'Such a behavior and its organized nature can become basis to talk
    about the NA inaction'.

    Let us recall that at the NA extraordinary session on November 21 by
    the initiative of 48 NA MPs it was expected to discuss the package
    of the law projects about making changes and additions to the law on
    the population state register of the RA Electoral and Criminal Codes,
    the authors of which were the members of the ANC fraction. However
    the session did not take place, since the quorum prescribed by the
    NA regulatory-law was not ensured: only 46 MPs registered instead of
    the 66 required.

    Let us recall that in the light of the failure of the NA extraordinary
    session the ANC fraction initiated a collection of signatures to
    apply to the Constitutional Court. As the ANC fraction leader Levon
    Zurabyan informed the journalists on December 4, the initiative already
    collected 34 signatures instead of 27 required. The 'Heritage' and
    ANC fractions fully singed the sample, as well as some MPs of the
    'Prosperous Armenia fraction.

    The ANC intends to demand from the CC to declare Article 44 Section 4
    of the NA regulatory-law, regarding holding extraordinary session of
    the NA, incompatible with Articles 70 and 71 of the RA Constitution
    and void.
