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Atrocities Gallery 'Too Much': Museum To Revamp Content; Ex-Workers

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  • Atrocities Gallery 'Too Much': Museum To Revamp Content; Ex-Workers


    Winnipeg Free Press
    Nov 30 2012

    By: Bartley Kives
    Posted: 11/30/2012 1:00 AM

    The Canadian Museum for Human Rights is being criticized for its plan
    to focus on fewer atrocities and include more Canadian content when
    it opens in 2014.

    Against the wishes of former employees, Winnipeg's first national
    museum has done away with a plan to feature more than 80 genocides
    in an atrocities gallery in favour of focusing on five officially
    recognized by the federal government. The museum has expanded its
    Canadian content to ensure visitors are more aware of domestic
    human-rights success stories and failures.

    Museum officials describe the changes to the content as the result of
    several years of engagement with the public and human rights experts.

    Disappointed former employees, however, accuse the museum of kowtowing
    to a board directive to ensure "positive Canadian stories" are given
    prominence in the $351-million institution, which will receive $22
    million in annual federal operating funding.

    The original plans for the museum's atrocities exhibit garnered
    negative feedback during the public-engagement process that deemed
    80 serious incidents "too much" for a single gallery, communications
    director Angela Cassie said.

    "People said this gallery felt like a little shop of horrors," Cassie
    said Thursday. Planners don't want visitors to get so depressed they
    would be compelled to leave, added assistant communications manager
    Maureen Fitzhenry.

    CMHR president and CEO Stuart Murray said curators could not properly
    represent more than 80 mass atrocities. "How could we possibly do
    them all justice?" he asked.

    The museum's inauguration will focus on Ukraine's Holodomor, the
    Holocaust in Europe, the Armenian genocide, the Rwandan genocide and
    the Srebrenica massacre. The Canadian government has recognized all
    five 20th-century events as genocides, Murray said.

    Notably absent from this list is the largest Asian genocide of the
    20th century -- the slayings and starvation of at least two million
    Cambodians by the Khmer Rouge regime between 1975 and 1979. Murray
    said the CMHR may feature the Cambodian genocide at some point in the
    future, noting the museum's touchscreen displays allow for regular
    content updates.

    "Because of the technology we employ, we're not beholden to fixed
    dioramas," he said, vowing to do a better job of explaining the
    museum's multi-layered approach to content.

    Another content change will be more Canadian stories throughout the
    museum's galleries. While the museum was always supposed to have
    Canadian content, its layout -- a series of galleries that spiral
    from the ground to the top -- wound up placing the nation's stories
    at the end of the "journey," Cassie said.

    "We realized you were walking through three-quarters of the museum
    before you get Canadian content," she said. "We can't expect everyone
    will go through the entire museum... we needed to answer the question:
    Is this a Canadian museum for human rights?"

    Departed museum staff, speaking on condition of anonymity, claim
    the institution's board issued a directive to feature more positive
    Canadian stories. Some complained of museum-board fears of upsetting
    the federal government or potential trade partners.

    Murray denied the allegation, insisting the museum strives to maintain
    a balance between human rights success stories and failures. "If there
    are gritty stories to tell, they will be in the museum," he said,
    insisting there is no way to glamourize human rights.

    At the same time, the museum cannot be simply depressing, said Murray,
    noting one scholar told him, "I hope to hell this is not a museum of
    human wrongs."

    Cassie and Fitzhenry said disgruntled former museum staff may have
    different ideas about presentation due to their academic backgrounds.

    Actual museum-goers have different expectations from scholars,
    they said.

    That concept is problematic, two University of Toronto professors
    suggested in a 2011 paper that makes direct reference to the Canadian
    Museum for Human Rights.

    If the museum presents human rights success stories about First
    Nations, for example, "its visitors might not consider taking action
    to address current rights violations," museum studies Prof. Jennifer
    Carter and human rights law Prof. Jennifer Orange wrote in a paper
    presented to a British conference. Orange and Carter questioned
    whether a state-funded museum can freely criticize government actions
    and policies.

    Canadian human rights failures such as the forced placement of
    First Nations students in residential schools, the internment of
    Japanese-Canadians and the ban on South Asian immigration will be
    featured prominently in the museum, Cassie said.

    Murray said he is under no pressure from the federal government
    regarding the museum's content. The Harper government recently changed
    the mandate of Gatineau's Museum of Civilization to focus more on
    Canadian history.
