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Turkey Pushes Genocide Denial

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  • Turkey Pushes Genocide Denial

    by Ben Cohen

    Commentary Magazine
    Dec 5 2012

    In 1915, when stories of the systematic extermination of the Armenian
    minority in Anatolia by the Ottoman authorities started to surface in
    the Western press, Turkish diplomats were rapidly mobilized to deny
    the reports. "All those who have been killed were of that rebellious
    element," the Turkish consul in New York, Djelal Munif Bey, told
    the New York Times, "who were caught red-handed or while otherwise
    committing traitorous acts against the Turkish Government, and not
    women and children, as some of these fabricated reports would have
    the Americans believe."

    As the sun began to set on the Ottoman Empire, its leaders-and their
    secular successors-laid the foundations of a gruesome template that
    remains with us today. Ever since the slaughter of the Armenians, each
    episode of genocide and mass killing has been accompanied by voices
    who willfully deny that such horrors actually took place. Genocide
    denial is a phenomenon most commonly associated with the Shoah, but
    it also raised its head in Bangladesh in 1971, in Cambodia in 1979,
    in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq during the 1990s, in Rwanda in
    1994 and in Syria in the present day.

    As the original pioneers of genocide denial, the Turks remain its
    most aggressive practitioners. That, perhaps, is to be expected;
    far less understandable is the willingness of certain countries and
    institutions to collude in this trampling of history and memory. In
    that regard, this item from Denmark's Copenhagen Post is nothing less
    than astounding:

    The Royal Library has attracted heavy criticism after agreeing to
    let Turkey co-arrange an alternative exhibition about the Armenian

    The library has complied with the wishes of the Turkish ambassador
    to Denmark to be involved with the exhibition, 'The Armenian Genocide
    and the Scandinavian response', which is currently on display at the
    University of Copenhagen.

    The Turkish Embassy has been granted the opportunity to stage a
    Turkish version of the historical events in a move that has generated
    criticism from a number of circles, including politicians, historians,
    and the Armenian Embassy in Copenhagen.

    Genocide scholars in Denmark have reacted angrily. "If you believe that
    all versions of history are equal, then you've undermined your role as
    a research institution," said the historian Matthias Bjørnlund. "It was
    genocide and not all interpretations of this history are correct." But
    the director of the Royal Library, Erland Kolding Nielsen, denied
    having caved to pressure from the Turkish Embassy. "One can't pressure
    us, and we have not spoken about removing the Armenian exhibition. We
    have simply given [the Turks] the opportunity to show their alternative
    exhibition," Nielsen said.

    Clearly, this sets an extremely dangerous precedent. No longer does it
    seem far-fetched to think that an exhibition about, say, Auschwitz, or
    the North Korean gulags, might be "balanced" with a "counter-narrative"
    from the perspective of the perpetrators of these atrocities.

    The current Danish controversy also speaks volumes about the extent
    to which Turkey is prepared to go in enforcing its state doctrine of
    genocide denial upon its ostensible allies. Earlier this year, Ankara
    temporarily froze ties with France after that country's Senate passed
    a law officially recognizing the Armenian massacres as a genocide.

    Responding to similar efforts by American lawmakers, Turkey's Islamist
    prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, told President Obama in March
    that he was "tired" by the constant reminders of Turkey's historic
    crime, adding that the U.S. administration should "not ... mistake U.S.

    senators, lawmakers and politicians for historians."

    For decades, Turkey has acted on the premise that Western acquiescence
    toward its regional bullying-whether that involves its assaults on
    Kurdish civilians or its continued occupation of northern Cyprus-means
    that it will never be obliged to reckon with the monstrous crimes
    committed against the Armenians. If the authors of Washington's policy
    toward Turkey want us to believe that Erdogan and his cohorts share
    not just our strategic goals, but our core values too, then Ankara
    must be told that the practice of genocide denial, inaugurated by
    Djelal Munif Bey in 1915, is no longer acceptable almost 100 years on.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress