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Armenia-Restoration Of Degraded Forest Lands Through Implementation

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  • Armenia-Restoration Of Degraded Forest Lands Through Implementation


    TendersInfo - Project Notices
    December 5, 2012 Wednesday

    LENGTH: 502 words

    Start Date: 5/2012
    End Date: 5/2013
    Grantee: Chambarak Branch of the Council of Mothers and Wives of
    Deceased Soldiers
    Country: Armenia
    Area Of Work: Climate Change Mitigation
    Land Degradation
    Operational Phase: Phase 5
    Grant Amount: US$ 26,607.00
    Co-Financing Cash: US$ 21,982.00
    Co-Financing in-Kind:US$ 11,227.00
    Project Number: ARM/SGP/OP5/CORE/CC/12/08
    Status: Currently under execution

    Former Krasnoselsk settlement received a status of a town and was
    renamed to Chambarak in 1994. Despite the status of a town with a
    population of 7,000, the majority of residents still continue their
    rural lifestyle, where the main activity is animal husbandry.

    Chambarak population primarily consists of socially vulnerable
    resettled people, families of deceased soldiers, which is the direct
    effect of the 1990s armed conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    In early 1990s the forests and urban green areas of Armenia suffered a
    lot due to the energy crisis caused by the economic and energy
    blockade. The same was true for Chambarak forest areas; in order to
    survive the cold winters, the population began cutting down the trees
    to use them as firewood. As a result of massive loggings in a typical
    alpine area of Chambarak, especially on steep forested slopes, the
    area faced the problem of landslides as a dominant erosion process.

    Therefore, if in 2009 the landslides were in Aygut community, which is
    22 km far from Chambarak, in 2011 the landslide prone areas expanded
    intensively and reached to Ttajur community which is only 7 km far
    from Chambarak. Besides, the landslides are quite active, destroying
    and damaging many houses.

    Currently, Chambarak and the surrounding areas lack forests. The
    clear-cut forest areas are being used for cattle grazing which further
    exacerbates land degradation. During USSR era, there was a state
    forest planting programme which included Chambarak and neighboring
    Getik communities. These activities had started but failed to complete
    - instead of 25 ha forests, only 6.4 ha were planted which were later
    cut by the neighboring households for firewood. Nowadays, this
    mountain slope area is exposed to water and wind erosion. Moreover,
    this area is used for cattle grazing and haymaking, which further
    deteriorates the problem.

    Several problems typical for Chambarak town with its neighboring rural
    communities can be grouped into:

    The vast majority of agricultural land is either not being used or is
    used unsustainably;

    The horticultural practices are not in place as the main activity is
    cattle breeding;

    Application of wrong grazing practices in agricultural lands:
    farmlands, pastures, meadows;

    Illegal loggings of the neighbouring forests continue.

    These problems are caused by poor socio-economic conditions of the
    population of the region. Besides, local population lack knowledge on
    community forestry and effective use of natural resources, in
    particular land and water. Also there is a lack of information about
    anti-erosion, anti-

    country :Armenia

    From: A. Papazian