10:54, December 7, 2012
The Istanbul based Hrant Dink Foundation has issued a media study
showing that Armenians in Turkey and overseas were the most targeted
in hate speech articles and news reports between May and August in
2012 in Turkey.
The Foundation identified 101 op-eds and news articles targeting
national, ethnic and religious groups during the period. 35
items focused on women and individuals with non-mainstream sexual
The report concludes that the groups most targeted were Armenians,
Christians, Jews and Greeks, in that order.
The report notes: "Out of this group, the aspect that stood out
the most in terms of hate speech towards Armenians, which we
may identify as a fixed category, was their association with the
[terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party] PKK within the context of the
recently intensifying conflict. This discourse, produced through
an understanding that "Muslim Kurds are harmless and the PKK is an
Armenian movement," was also seen to be reproduced at times with
content targeting Christians and Jews. However, the most dominant
assertion was that of Armenians supporting the PKK, looking for
opportunities to harm Turkey, the "eternal enemy," and being a risk
According to the Foundation study, newspapers with a
nationalist-conservative bent provided the most space to hate speech.
The study singled out Milli Gazete, Yeni Akit, Ortadoğu, Yenicağ and
Yeni Mesaj as leading the hate speech list.
The Hrant Dink Foundation has been monitoring the media for hate
speech since 2009. It says its main purpose is to combat racism,
discrimination and intolerance in Turkey. The foundation monitored
approximately 1,000 local newspapers and all national newspapers
through the Media Monitoring Center using various key strings (such
as collaborator, Turcophobe, separatist etc.).
From: Baghdasarian
10:54, December 7, 2012
The Istanbul based Hrant Dink Foundation has issued a media study
showing that Armenians in Turkey and overseas were the most targeted
in hate speech articles and news reports between May and August in
2012 in Turkey.
The Foundation identified 101 op-eds and news articles targeting
national, ethnic and religious groups during the period. 35
items focused on women and individuals with non-mainstream sexual
The report concludes that the groups most targeted were Armenians,
Christians, Jews and Greeks, in that order.
The report notes: "Out of this group, the aspect that stood out
the most in terms of hate speech towards Armenians, which we
may identify as a fixed category, was their association with the
[terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party] PKK within the context of the
recently intensifying conflict. This discourse, produced through
an understanding that "Muslim Kurds are harmless and the PKK is an
Armenian movement," was also seen to be reproduced at times with
content targeting Christians and Jews. However, the most dominant
assertion was that of Armenians supporting the PKK, looking for
opportunities to harm Turkey, the "eternal enemy," and being a risk
According to the Foundation study, newspapers with a
nationalist-conservative bent provided the most space to hate speech.
The study singled out Milli Gazete, Yeni Akit, Ortadoğu, Yenicağ and
Yeni Mesaj as leading the hate speech list.
The Hrant Dink Foundation has been monitoring the media for hate
speech since 2009. It says its main purpose is to combat racism,
discrimination and intolerance in Turkey. The foundation monitored
approximately 1,000 local newspapers and all national newspapers
through the Media Monitoring Center using various key strings (such
as collaborator, Turcophobe, separatist etc.).
From: Baghdasarian