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Ankara: Need For Ottomanism At Home

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  • Ankara: Need For Ottomanism At Home


    Today's Zaman, Turkey
    Dec 9 2012

    [email protected]

    Ottomanism is mainly a foreign policy issue in Turkey. Turkey has been
    criticized for dealing the neo-Ottomanism card in the Middle East and
    the Balkans. However, its value in foreign policy notwithstanding,
    Turkey itself needs Ottomanism, and at home at that. Paradoxically,
    conservatives, many of whom are happy to insinuate an "Ottomanist"
    discourse into foreign policy, seem to consider Ottomanism not
    appropriate in domestic politics. Therefore, Ottomanism is a
    politically unclaimed agenda at home.

    This brings serious questions: Are Turkish conservatives sincerely
    Ottomanist in their contemplation of Turkey's domestic problems? Do
    they seriously want to be the heirs of the political legacy of the
    Ottomans? Given their reactions to certain issues in Turkish politics,
    one could easily get the impression that they are just "talking the
    Ottomanism talk," not making an agenda of it.

    Ottomanism is first about multiculturalism. The Ottomans were proud
    champions of multiculturalism. They thought monoculturalism a serious
    threat, to the point that they made efforts to have different religious
    and ethnic groups make up the populations of their cities. Ottoman
    İstanbul was not a Turkish city; instead, it was a multicultural
    "imperial" city. Every great Ottoman monarch of the cut of Mehmet
    the Conqueror would be deeply sad to see that the İstanbul of today
    has lost its multicultural characteristic. In sharp contrast with the
    Ottomans, the contemporary conservative champions of Ottomanism have
    a deep fear of multiculturalism. Anatolia is facing the serious risk
    of losing its historical multicultural nature.

    The Ottomans were happy to recognize the local laws of different
    groups. An Ottoman statesman would never have understood why the
    Halki Orthodox seminary is still closed. An Ottoman statesman would
    never have understood why there are still no Kurdish traffic signs in
    cities populated by Kurds. The Ottoman state mind, which somehow ruled
    a large geographic area from the Balkans to Yemen, would have laughed
    at Turkish statesmen in Ankara for failing to govern Diyarbakır.
    Abdulhamit II would most probably have deemed the Turkish strategy
    in the Kurdish problem a total fiasco.

    The Ottomans were a practical people who exuded political wisdom. They
    never forced the same model on different places or societies, for
    their wisdom led them to alternative solutions for Kurds, Armenians,
    Muslims, etc. They were not sticklers for state principles. Instead,
    they were open to changing the state to accommodate the needs of the
    people. In sharp contrast, a state fetishism exists in Turkey today,
    even among the conservatives.

    I do not want to be trapped by anachronism. However, the Ottomans
    never believed in centralism. Delegating authority to the periphery
    was a central Ottoman state principle. The Turkish Republic is totally
    different. For that reason, the issue of the unitary state should
    be re-evaluated. The Turkish Republic is probably the first unitary
    state in the whole of Turkish history. Again venturing towards the
    trap of anachronism, I would argue that neither the Seljuks nor the
    Ottomans lived according to an administrative logic like that of the
    statesmen of the Turkish Republic.

    Some would say that we are living in the age of the nation-state,
    thus the comparison of the Ottoman state and the Turkish Republic
    is invalid. My answer is as simple as this: The Flemish region can
    conduct an independent foreign policy; the city state of Hamburg can
    appoint a delegation to Brussels. What Turks want to realize does
    not exist in the developed Western world. What we understand to be
    the modern state is totally a national illusion. Ironically, many
    Europeans are closer to the Ottoman model than is the Turkish state.

    Who are the claimers of the Ottoman political legacy? Ottomanism is now
    reduced to the love of Ottoman monarchs. Conservatives have so far used
    the Ottomans for pedagogical purposes. They were held up as examples
    of perfection to young boys and girls, who were urged to emulate
    them. There is nothing wrong with that. However, it is now time for
    conservatives to also emulate the Ottomans in their national politics.
