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Tamar Gasparian Reiterates Concerns In Letter To Lighthouse Foundati

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  • Tamar Gasparian Reiterates Concerns In Letter To Lighthouse Foundati

    Published: Tuesday December 11, 2012

    Dear readers,

    Below is my response to Armenian Lighthouse Charitable Foundation
    (ALCF). While the organization has tried to intimidate me and turn my
    inquiries into a personal matter, I know that people with good judgment
    will understand that I have no personal gain or interest. The director
    of an organization that is supposed to protect vulnerable and abused
    women has actually humiliated and abandoned its beneficiaries.

    For example, the director told the reporter of Hetq that Christine,
    a former beneficiary, is a "useless member of society" and called her
    new born a "sick baby" just because the baby was born with a cleft lip.

    Please note that the main problem with this organization is its
    director Naira Muradyan and her unprofessional behavior. Yet, nowhere
    in its response does ALCF answer my questions about the director
    or comment on the humiliating remarks she made publicly about its
    former beneficiary.

    If you care about women in Armenia who need our support you must
    speak up today. One neglected mother is one too many. We can't
    let individuals and, in my opinion, unprofessional organizations
    take advantage of our donations and treat their beneficiaries like
    "beggars" as Christine claims they were treated at ALCF.

    Please read my letters carefully, make your own conclusions and,
    most importantly, demand answers from ALCF.

    Thank you, Tamar Gasparian

    September 5, 2012

    To: Seta Ghazarian

    Paros "Lighthouse" Charitable Foundation U.S.A.

    P.O. Box 3595

    Seal Beach, CA 90740

    Dear Mrs. Ghazarian,

    This correspondence is in response to your letter dated August 31,
    2012. As a caring member of Armenian society, I have a responsibility
    to bring Naira Muradyan's questionable and unprofessional actions and
    behavior to your and the public's attention. As well, as a founder
    of the organization, you have a responsibility to investigate and
    explain to the public why women have allegedly been mistreated in
    your organization by Ms. Muradyan.

    Before I proceed, I should emphasize that I wrote to you as an
    individual and not as the Communications Officer for Fund for Armenian
    Relief (FAR). I am saddened and disappointed to see that you actually
    involved FAR in your correspondence and copied certain FAR executives
    in your response. It is extremely unprofessional of you and I see this
    as an intimidation tactic, but unfortunately I have to disappoint you:
    your intimidation attempt didn't work. I will continue doing all
    I can to bring attention to this issue and achieve a satisfactory
    resolution. Again, my position at FAR has nothing to do with this
    letter or my attempt to understand why women were mistreated at your
    shelter. I am raising my concerns regarding your organization and
    its director Naira Muradyan as a concerned individual.

    I am also very sorry to see that you did not understand the purpose
    of my letter.

    To start, all I did was contact, to explain what Christine
    Gevorgyan told me and ask Hetq to investigate the matter. Then I
    brought Naira Muadyan's outrageous behavior to the public's and your
    attention via my open letter in the Armenian Reporter. After all, as an
    Armenian and concerned individual, I have every right to question any
    injustice or unfairness that has been brought up regarding an Armenian
    non-profit organization, whether it is Paros or any other group. All
    my questions and concerns were based specifically on Christine's
    story and the article that published on August 10, 2012

    I don't feel that I need to explain or provide anything else to
    justify my behavior. It is a fact that Christine was denied future
    care and assistance from Lighthouse Foundation after her baby Angeli
    was born with a birth defect. To this day she, Hetq and I have no
    explanation from your organization about why Christine and her baby
    were not accepted back to the shelter.

    As well, other people have confirmed that Naira Muradyan has been
    mistreating the women at the shelter. However, these people want to
    stay anonymous because Naira Muradyan has threatened them. It is their
    right to stay anonymous, and I have no obligation to tell you their
    names. In fact, after seeing the intimidation tactic you used against
    me by referencing FAR in your letter, I completely support these
    individuals' decisions to stay anonymous. Again, all my questions and
    comments to you are based on what Christine told Hetq, and me and how
    Naira Muradyan has reacted to the questions asked to her by the Hetq
    reporter. You should focus on these aspects. Your refusal to address
    these issues could hurt the reputation of Paros. I am simply acting
    as a concerned individual. If you are interested to know what others
    have to say about your director, please read the comments under the
    Hetq article by other individuals revealing Naira Muradyan's true face.

    You are correct in that I did not visit your shelter while I was in
    Armenia. However, Christine stated that every time the shelter had
    guests or journalists, the women were forced to lie and pretend that
    everything was perfect. So why would I take time out of my extremely
    busy schedule and visit your shelter if the visit would not be an
    accurate representation of how things really are?

    Now my questions to you and your organization are as follows:

    1. Why was Christine Gevorgyan mistreated in the shelter and
    not accepted back after giving birth to Angeli? As an example,
    she was ordered to clean the floors while in the eighth month of
    her pregnancy. Meanwhile, as Christine mentioned, the shelter has
    a cleaning lady who is getting paid to do that work. Also, Naira
    Muradyan, the director of the shelter, continuously told Christine
    before she gave birth that her baby would be sick, and that she
    would give birth to a sick baby. After the baby was born, Naira
    told Christine that she would not be allowed to take the "sick baby"
    to the shelter. WHY?

    2. How do you explain Naira Muradyan's this statement about Christine,
    as cited in the same Hetq article: she is "a useless member of
    society." How can a director of any organization say something so
    insensitive and inhumane?

    3. How do you explain Ms. Muradyan's response to the Hetq reporter,
    that Christine's story is not interesting for the public? Instead,
    she stated, "There are better stories that are more interesting for
    the people." Are these women just stories for Naira Muradyan and your
    organization? Do you choose to help the women based on how interesting
    their story is for the public?

    4. Why was Nelly Sargsyan, another
    beneficiary, evicted from the shelter?

    5. Did you know that Nelly ended up giving her child to an orphanage?

    Isn't your organization's goal to keep mothers and their children
    together? What could you tell us about Nelly's case?

    6. Based on what qualifications was Naira Muradyan hired to be the
    director of your organization?

    7. How does your organization develop and train its employees?

    8. How does your organization evaluate and monitor its employees?

    9. And last but not least, could you please explain these expenses,
    since it is not ?clear from your 2011 990-EZ form how your organization
    spent these amounts.

    Transfer to Armenia for Sponsors: $32,500 (Did you transfer
    sponsors to Armenia?) Transfer to Armenia for Operations: $29,500
    (What does operations means in this context and how do you transfer
    operations?)?For your benefit, here is an electronic link to the 990-EZ

    Mrs. Ghazarian, you had questioned my intentions and motives in
    your response to me. However, you must understand that these are
    questions and issues that any concerned member of the Armenian Diaspora
    would ask. And it is your responsibility to make sure that there is
    transparency and communication about these matters, so that Armenians
    can have faith and trust in the manner in which your organization
    serves its intended recipients and makes a difference within Armenian
    society. For this reason, I would appreciate it if your organization
    answers my nine questions from above.

    Furthermore, I believe that Christine and Angeli were discriminated
    and mistreated by your organization and its director Naira Muradyan.

    The Hetq article and my conversations with involved people are the
    clearest forms of evidence as to where my beliefs are coming from.

    Again, your perception of my objectives should not be the main focus
    here; what should be important are Ms. Muradyan's unacceptable behavior
    and treatment of Lighthouse's beneficiaries.

    You asked me to respond to you within seven days, and I have. Now,
    it is only fair that I ask you to do the same in return.

    Also, as both a concerned Armenian and an individual with the right to
    freedom of speech in the United States, I reserve the right to publish
    any and all communications between us through Facebook, Twitter and
    other media outlets, including newspapers, radio, TV and etc. However,
    I reiterate that this is done on my own with no reference to FAR.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thank you,

    Tamar Gasparian
