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Human Rights Watch Urges Turkey To Reconsider Ombudsman Appointment

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  • Human Rights Watch Urges Turkey To Reconsider Ombudsman Appointment

    12:30 11.12.2012

    The judge recently appointed as the chief ombudsman of Turkey's newly
    created ombudsman institution has a history of failing to respect
    human rights standards, and his appointment risks the effectiveness
    of the new institution.

    Mehmet Nihat Omeroglu was sworn in by Parliament as head of the
    ombudsman institution on December 5, 2012. The body was approved by
    parliament in June but has not yet been established. Omeroglu was
    among the judges in the Court of Cassation, Turkey's highest court,
    who in 2006 upheld the conviction of the Turkish-Armenian journalist
    Hrant Dink for "insulting Turkishness" under the notorious article
    301 of the Turkish Penal Code. Over the past week he has publicly
    stated to the newspaper Yeni Safak that Dink's writing "constituted
    a clear violation of article 301" and to the newspaper Radikal that
    "[we] made our decision on this case on the basis of our conscience."

    "The newly appointed ombudsman continues to stand behind a court
    decision that the European Court of Human Rights strongly condemned as
    a violation of free speech," said Emma Sinclair-Webb, senior researcher
    for Turkey at Human Rights Watch. "If the government is serious about
    creating an ombudsman institution that champions citizens' rights,
    it should reconsider this appointment."

    Omeroglu was sworn in a week after the majority of members of
    parliament from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) voted
    for his appointment over two other candidates.

    The decision to convict Dink targeted his writing on the impact
    on Armenians of the mass killings in 1915. Dink was assassinated
    in January 2007. In 2010, the European Court of Human Rights found
    Turkey to have violated Dink's right to freedom of expression with the
    article 301 conviction, and to have failed to protect Dink's life in
    the face of evidence known to the authorities that Dink faced a real
    and imminent threat in the form of plots to kill him.

    The ombudsman will be separate from the National Human Rights
    Institution, which the government has also made a commitment to
    establish. While the ombudsman can provide an important mechanism
    to investigate citizens' complaints against state officials and
    institutions, its effectiveness will depend on the person leading
    it and the way its powers are used, Human Rights Watch said. The
    ombudsman law provides for the creation of an "independent and
    effective complaints mechanism" to scrutinize "all kinds of activities
    by the authorities and their conduct" and to investigate, research, and
    make recommendations in conformity with "an understanding of justice
    based on human rights." The law provides for five ombudsmen to work
    under the chief ombudsman, a general secretary, and other personnel.

    However, the law also states that the ombudsman institution is excluded
    from scrutiny over "solely military activities of the Turkish Armed
    Forces." Following his visit to Turkey from November 26 to 30, Christof
    Heyns, the United Nations special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary,
    or arbitrary executions, spoke of the risk that the provision could
    exclude the military from "human rights scrutiny."

    "The concern is that the ombudsman will not be allowed to scrutinize
    the military, even when they are implicated in serious human rights
    abuses," Sinclair-Webb said. "Given the track record of the military
    in Turkey, it is vital not to use this provision to shield the military
    from being investigated."
