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Election As Favor By Authorities To Society

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  • Election As Favor By Authorities To Society

    Election As Favor By Authorities To Society

    Naira Hayrumyan
    12:06 12/12/2012
    Story from News:

    Talking to the demonstrators in defense of Teghut in California, Prime
    Minister Tigran Sargsyan noted indulgently that the authorities
    created the conditions for `you to voice your worries'. Actually,
    Tigran Sargsyan stated the essence of the government's policies which
    does not try to address to `concerns' but to create conditions for
    their expression.

    Tigran Sargsyan is right. In the past five years, the opportunity to
    express one's opinion `painlessly' was ensured in Armenia, TV channels
    have become more open, there are even cases when the authorities yield
    the power to the society by not appointing Nono to the position of the
    director of Khosrov reserve.

    More freedom allowed the authorities to avoid almost unavoidable
    social revolt. This allowed the civil society to let steam off, be
    happy with the freedom of speech instead of the freedom of creation
    and rights to participate in the decision-making process.

    Dmitri Peskov, Press secretary of the Russian president, explaining
    the reasons of protests in Russia, said that the middle class in
    Russia wanted to take part in the decision-making process, and the
    authorities were not ready for it.

    Apparently, the same process is happening in Armenia with the only
    difference that Armenians do not have money but are mature in the
    civil sense, and they also want to take part in the decision-making
    process. They cannot be happy with some freedom of speech, and the
    government which made the progressive decision on `democratization'
    five years ago should review its policy.

    Now the civil society is the majority, and the authorities are
    isolated, and showed in the May elections that they are not going to
    allow the society to get close to the decision making process. The
    opposition helped the government regarding this issue. It ran in the
    elections but did not get the chance to take part in the process of
    decision making.

    But the situation has changed. The parliamentary majority can pass any
    law but outside the parliament the authorities and the discredited
    opposition are minority.

    In order to have the opportunity to take part in the decision making
    process, the society needs to reject the possibility to `express
    concerns'. One of such possibilities will be provided as a favor by
    the government on February 18. If the society does not express its
    attitude to the elections, we will still find ourselves in prison for
    another five years, generously provided to us by the authorities.
    There we can scream about our rights, scold Taron, giggle and discuss
    other people's decisions.
