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Military Base After Gabbala

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  • Military Base After Gabbala

    Military Base After Gabbala

    Naira Hayrumyan
    14:27 12/12/2012
    Story from News:

    Azerbaijan's refusal to extend the lease of Gabbala radio location
    station to Russia comes as evidence to reduced presence of Russia in
    the South Caucasus. As soon as the Russian military base was withdrawn
    from Akhalkalaki, it was obvious that Russia's presence in Azerbaijan
    and Armenia would decrease.

    Azerbaijan did not boost the rent for Gabbala from 7 to 300 million
    dollars for money. It was a blunt refusal to Russia. It was clear from
    the very beginning that Moscow will not pay so much money for Gabbala
    and the purpose was to withdraw Russian forces from Azerbaijan.

    Armenia stands in line. And though experts say that Russia may locate
    its radio stations in Armenia, the next option has more probability -
    Armenia will state more loudly about the necessity to cut the military
    presence of Russia.

    First of all, it may be a review of the agreement on the dislocation
    of Russian border guards at the Armenian border with Turkey and Iran.
    Armenia may refuse border guard services by Russia, as well as demand
    a rent for the Russian base in Gyumri.

    After the closure of Gabbala the Russians have military presence only
    in the South Caucasus. On the one hand, this will boost Armenia's
    role, and Armenia can demand a rent for the base. On the other hand,
    the West's requirements to Armenia will increase. After Azerbaijan the
    West will sway Armenia to cut the Russian military presence.
