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Paruyr Hayrikyan vows to abolish president's post if elected

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  • Paruyr Hayrikyan vows to abolish president's post if elected

    Paruyr Hayrikyan vows to abolish president's post if elected

    19:39 14/12/2012 » POLITICS

    The statement of Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) on not nominating its
    candidate and not backing any candidate was for this moment only. This
    statement is unlikely to prevent PAP from voicing a different position
    in the coming two months, National Self-Determination Union (NSDU)
    chairman Paruyr Hayrikyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

    According to him, PAP's statement was related to party's leader Gagik
    Tsarukyan personally and reflected his refusal to run in the elections
    and to back any candidate as well as to the party's leadership, while
    citizens are free in their decisions.

    Commenting on possible unification of opposition parties and
    cooperation with opposition forces, Hayrikyan said that Armenia is a
    country where it is very difficult to differentiate between opposition

    `Unification should be not around an opposition or a pro-government
    candidate: we should be able to put forward a consensus candidate
    representing national consent. Unification should be around national
    goals of general importance, the most important of which is the system
    of perfect democracy, which I offered earlier,' said Hayrikyan.

    NSDU leader said that he intends to be president for two years only.

    `During these two years, I am going to abolish the president's post.
    The people will have an elected prime minister and vice prime
    minister. The current parliament will be dissolved and a new one will
    be elected with 81 members because in the current parliament, of all
    members, only 30 work, while the rest are just visitors. Lastly, I am
    going to hold a constitutional referendum and then new elections will
    be held and I will leave the political arena,' said the presidential

