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Armenia welcomes Dublin statement on Karabakh - Armenian FM

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  • Armenia welcomes Dublin statement on Karabakh - Armenian FM

    Armenia welcomes Dublin statement on Karabakh - Armenian FM
    December 14, 2012 | 12:44

    YEREVAN.- Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian commented on
    Baku's accusations claiming Armenia is `to blame' that five-sided
    statement on Karabakh was not adopted during the OSCE ministerial
    council in Dublin.

    Speaking during a joint press conference with his Bulgarian, Swedish
    and Polish counterparts, Nalbandian offered to compare the statements
    of Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers.

    `Armenian FM's remarks coincide with the statements of Co-Chairing
    states. Azerbaijani FM seems to speak only for himself,' he

    Nalbandian stressed it is not the first time when the sides fail to
    adopt a five-sided statement. It also happened in Almaty back in 2010.

    `Azerbaijan was insisting there is only one principle of international
    law - territorial integrity of the states - or, at least, this
    principle must prevail. Finally, a third-sided statement was adopted.
    It said all the principles and provisions proposed by the co-chairs
    are integral and none of the principles can be prioritized,' he said.

    The Minister noted that Azerbaijan, due to unclear reasons, did not
    even want to mention the three principles in Dublin.

    `Three-sided statement mentioning the principles was adopted by the
    co-chairs. Armenia welcomes the statement made in Dublin,' he
