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Russian MFA downplays Assad defeat comments

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  • Russian MFA downplays Assad defeat comments

    Russian MFA downplays Assad defeat comments

    December 14, 2012 - 15:29 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - The Russian Foreign Ministry on Friday, Dec 14,
    downplayed earlier comments made by the ministry's deputy head in
    which he suggested that the Syrian opposition could win the civil war
    raging in the country, RIA Novosti reported.
    Mikhail Bogdanov has not made any specific statements for the press on
    Syria in recent days, the ministry said on Friday.
    The Syrian conflict was discussed at a roundtable in Moscow on
    Thursday, attended by Bogdanov, where speakers cited the Syrian
    opposition's statements about their inevitable victory, the ministry
    explained in the carefully worded statement.
    The Foreign Ministry said that, speaking at the roundtable, Bogdanov
    had reiterated Russia's position: Moscow wants to see a political
    solution to the crisis in Syria.
    Bogdanov's contribution to Thursday's discussion was widely quoted in
    the Russian and international media: `We have to face up to reality,
    the trend is that the Syrian authorities, the Syrian government is
    increasingly losing control, losing more and more territory. Sadly, a
    victory by the Syrian opposition cannot be ruled out.'
    It was also welcomed by the U.S. Department of State, which commended
    Moscow `for finally waking up to the reality.'
    But on Friday Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich
    was dismissive. `I saw the U.S. State Department spokeswoman citing
    [Bodganov] and praising how Moscow has finally woken up and is
    changing its position,' he said.
    `But we never slept. And we never changed our position, and will not
    do so in the future,' Lukashevich said at a press briefing in Moscow.
    More than 30,000 people died in the 21-month-long standoff between the
    Syrian opposition and the forces of President Bashar al-Assad,
    according to UN estimates.
    The United States has repeatedly called for Assad's ouster, while
    Russia has insisted that the opposition shares the blame for the
    violence and that political dialog is the only way of stopping the
    civil war.
