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Armenian FM says Baku only audience for false Azeri statements

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  • Armenian FM says Baku only audience for false Azeri statements

    Armenian FM says Baku only audience for false Azeri statements

    December 14, 2012 - 16:15 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan is the only audience for Baku statements,
    Armenian Foreign Minister said.
    At a joint news conference with his Polish, Swedish and Bulgarian
    counterparts, Radosław Sikorski, Carl Bildt and Nikolay Mladenov in
    Yerevan, Edward Nalbandian commented on Baku's accusations, suggesting
    Armenia was to blame for non-adoption of a five-sided agreement at
    OSCE Foreign Ministers Council meeting in Dublin.
    In reply to Azeri accusations, Nalbandian suggested comparing Baku and
    Yerevan's statements at the Dublin meeting.
    Also, the MF said, this hasn't been the first time for Baku. "Back in
    2010, at Almaty meeting, Baku declared the principle of territorial
    integrity to be the only one prevailing. Eventually, a 3-sided
    agreement was signed instead of a 5-sided one."
    "This time in Dublin, Azeri side yet again failed to mention all 3
    principles: non-use of force, people's right for self-determination
    and territorial integrity," Nalbandian said.
