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Sbidag: A small island of Syria in Yerevan

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  • Sbidag: A small island of Syria in Yerevan

    Sbidag: A small island of Syria in Yerevan
    FEATURES | 14.12.12 | 14:29


    ArmeniaNow Deputy Editor

    Sbidag restaurant is getting prepared for the New Year banquet. The
    modestly furnished hall is decorated with fir branches and garlands;
    menus are on the tables, telling the current visitors of the holiday
    dinner, which consists of traditional Arabic dishes. It also says:
    `Join the party and enjoy the Syrian atmosphere.'

    Sbidag is a small island of Aleppo in Yerevan, opened by Syrian
    Armenians. It is a club, where the Armenians from Syria come to have
    traditional dishes of Arabic cuisine, smoke hookah, play backgammon
    and feel `at home' in a Syrian atmosphere. Only talks on military
    action in Syria and their nostalgia for their homeland keeps reminding
    them of their uncertain status and future.

    The restaurant was opened two months ago in the lounge belonging to
    the Aram Manukian Cultural Youth Center of ARF Dashnaktsutyun, which
    provided it free of charge. Besides the restaurant, there is an
    internet club, children's room and a small souvenir shop. In December,
    the first wedding was celebrated in Sbidag (which means `white').

    Harout Kzirian, manager of the restaurant, is one of thousands of
    Syrian Armenians, who were forced to leave their home in Syria and
    seek shelter in Armenia.

    "Armenia has always been in our dreams. My family and I have been
    visiting Armenia every year and enjoyed our vacation here. But now we,
    the Armenians of Syria are in an unenviable position, although we
    found ourselves in our historical homeland, which has welcomed us. But
    we all are dreaming to be back to our homeland in Syria, be back to
    our homes, schools, universities, relatives and families. Every day we
    follow the news but so far no good prediction of the conflict. We live
    in hope, "says Kzirian, 30.

    Until recently the community in Syria was considered to be one of the
    most powerful Diaspora structures, which was home for over 80,000
    Armenians, who played a significant role in the social, political and
    cultural life of Syria.

    Today, the once rich community of Syria is in a desperate situation.
    Since the beginning of the conflict in March 2011 more than thirty
    Armenians have been killed in the ongoing conflict in Syria, which has
    resulted in the deaths of more than 30,000.

    Kzirian came to Armenia with his family in May, but many of his
    relatives and friends are still in Syria. He says they do not want to
    leave, despite the problems they face every day, including snipers on
    the roofs of the buildings and shortages of food and basic goods.

    "I remember when rebels just started the attacks. Every time I was
    hearing shots, I ran up to my small boy, took him in my arms, trying
    to protect him. Then, some time later, it became almost a routine. One
    just got used to it - at first you got scared, did not leave home,
    then you learn to shift through the streets, hiding behind buildings.
    You got used to the war," he says bitterly.

    According to the data from the Armenian Diaspora Ministry from the
    beginning of the year around 10,000 people arrived from Syria to
    Armenia. Presently there are about 6,000 remaining. About 800 are
    students. Children have free access to the schools and kindergartens,
    and for the university students the government has allocated 40
    million drams ($100,000) to cover study costs.

    Earlier this month, a group of Syrian Armenians met the Minister of
    Agriculture Sergo Karapetyan, who told them if they want to farm, the
    Armenian authorities will support them in company registration,
    finding land, providing counseling and other opportunities such as low
    loans. A labor fair will be held this weekend in Yerevan by the
    initiative of the State Employment Service of the Ministry of Labor
    and Social Affairs, where about 50 employers from Yerevan and the
    provinces will meet Syrian Armenians.

    Despite the efforts by the Ministry of Diaspora and the Armenian
    authorities there are still some objective problems Syrian Armenians
    face, such as unemployment, low salaries, and differences in the
    social and cultural environment. In addition, many of the Syrian
    Armenians living in Yerevan complain that they are not included in any
    of the lists of beneficiaries who receive assistance from various

    But the main problem they face are housing and unemployment Only 150
    have found jobs through assistance of the Ministry of Diaspora in
    Armenia, where unemployment is a big problem also for natives.

    Kzirian says many of his friends found occasional jobs and work
    outside their professional specialties. One of his friends, a
    successful jeweler from Aleppo, currently works in the food sector,
    which according to Kzirian is the most accessible business sphere in

    In Aleppo Kzirian had a graphics and design studio and a shop for
    spare car parts. But after spending half a year in Armenia, and
    investigating the market, he realized that none of his business will
    be successful here, and years would be spent to succeed even in a
    small business.

    "When living in Syria, where sometimes we also had some financial
    difficulties we used to say "Syria is difficult for business'. But we
    were saying that before coming to Armenia,' he says with a smile. `Now
    we know Armenia is very difficult for business. There are several
    reasons for that, but the primary reason is the absence of the
    relevant market, high cost of the goods, which reach Armenia through
    Georgian ports or via air. Recently I wanted to buy a small table made
    of plastic, and all I found after a long search was a table for 45,000
    drams ($110) of Turkish production. I think if Armenia will succeed in
    having enterprises, for example, such as producing plastic chairs and
    tables, then the economic picture would be different."

    Another employee of Sbidag is Kladis Aghbabian, an accountant from
    Aleppo and a business management student at the Latakia University,
    which she has not managed to finished because of the war.

    In Sbidaq she worked in a small gift shop; some part of the profit
    from sales goes for charitable purposes for her compatriots.

    She says she did not want to leave Aleppo, but her parents persuaded
    her and her sister to leave, after two of their relatives who arrived
    from Yerevan died on the way from the airport to Aleppo being caught
    in the rebels' crossfire. Four Armenians were killed and 11 were
    wounded that day.

    "All my thoughts are on Syria. All Armenians lived well there, the
    government's attitude to us never differs from that of the Arabs, and
    we enjoyed privileges. For example, the Armenian Easter was not
    included in the official list of holidays, but students and
    schoolchildren were given five days off during that Christian holiday.
    We lived very freely, we celebrated all Armenian holidays, observed
    all the traditions and learned the Armenian language at schools," says
    Aghbabian, 28, who now lives with her sister at their relative's home.

    Aghbabian's family had a grocery shop in Aleppo, which has been closed
    for four months.

    "The food situation is getting worse every day. Now the city is
    literally without bread. All goods are in high deficit. It hurts to
    think how people live there.'

    The Aghbabian sisters looking forward for the next week; at last their
    parents and a brother decided to join them in Yerevan.

    "My brother is an actor in the Armenian theater. I met some people
    from the theatre community here and made some appointments for him. I
    hope he's lucky and he will found a job in his field.'
