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Lioness Of The Armenian Cause: Ashkhen Pilavjian Celebrates 80th Bd.

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  • Lioness Of The Armenian Cause: Ashkhen Pilavjian Celebrates 80th Bd.

    A Lioness Of The Armenian Cause: Ashkhen Pilavjian Celebrates 80th Birthday
    Friday, December 14th, 2012 | Posted by Contributor

    Ashkhen Pilavjian with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa during the 2008
    ANCA-WR banquet


    As U.S. Senator Robert Menendez turned a corner in the Santa Monica,
    California home of longtime Armenian National Committee of America
    supporter Ashkhen Pilvajian several years ago, he paused. The Senator,
    who serves on the powerful U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
    was face to face with a wall of Republican memorabilia, including
    thank you notes from President George H.W. Bush and awards from the
    Republican National Committee. Had the Senator come to the wrong
    home? The answer of course was no, but he had come into the special
    home of longtime ANCA supporter Ashkhen Pilavjian, who will be marking
    her 80th birthday this month.

    For Ashkhen Pilavjian, a stalwart GOP supporter, having a prominent
    Democratic Senator over her home made sense for one simple reason.
    Senator Menendez has consistently earned an A+ grade from the ANCA and
    has been a fearless proponent of ending Turkey's denial of the
    Armenian Genocide. For Ashkhen, the Armenian Cause has always been
    more important than her affinity for a particular political party. For
    this and her generous philanthropic support for the Armenian Cause,
    Ashkhen was honored by the ANCA with a prestigious Legacy Award at the
    organization's annual banquet held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential
    Library in Simi Valley in October of 2008.

    `Ashkhen Pilavjian is a great Armenian American,' shared William
    Bairamian, the ANCA-Western Region's Executive Director. As we
    celebrate her 80th birthday we can confidently share that she is, in
    so many ways, a shining example of a model Armenian American. She is
    both giving and kind, both smart and understanding. And for the ANCA,
    her generous financial support has made much of what we do for the
    community possible. We cannot thank Ashkhen Pilvajian enough,'
    Bairamian emphasized.

    Ashkhen Pilavjian has long been an active member of the Armenian
    American community, as was her late husband Alexan Pilavjian. Her
    husband Alexan was very involved with Homenetmen and was a respected
    member of many other community organizations both in Beirut, Lebanon
    and later in the United States. Over the years Ashkhen has directed
    her philanthropic efforts in support of several prominent Armenian
    organizations and institutions, including the Western Prelacy of the
    Armenian Apostolic Church, Armenian Cultural Foundation, Armenian
    National Committee of America, Homenetmen, Armenian Relief Society as
    well as many Armenian schools.

    `I encourage all young Armenian Americans to get involved in the
    ANCA,' shared Pilavjian in a recent interview. `Each and every one of
    us has to do our share in preserving the Armenian American community
    in the United States. If every individual contributes some time and
    energy we can go very far. I believe that everybody should lend a
    hand to support the great work of the ANCA,' she added.

    The Armenian National Committee of America-Western salutes Ashkhen
    Pilavjian on the occasion of her 80th birthday and wishes her
    continued health and happiness in the years to come.
