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Tsarukyan won't challenge Sargsyan

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  • Tsarukyan won't challenge Sargsyan

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Dec 15 2012

    Tsarukyan won't challenge Sargsyan

    15 December 2012 - 8:44pm
    On Wednesday the Prosperous Armenia Party held a meeting of political
    council to discuss party's position on the upcoming 2013 presidential

    Opening the meeting, party's leader Gagik Tsarukyan said he would not
    run for president, expressing gratitude to his colleagues for
    confidence and assistance.

    Based on Tsarukyan's statement the participants decided that the
    Prosperous Armenia Party will not participate in the presidential
    elections and will not support any of the candidates during the
    upcoming elections.

    The ruling Republican Party of Armenia was pleased with Tsarukyan's
    decision as well as supporters of incumbent President Serzh Sargsyan.
    "The absence of candidates from other political forces is not the
    Republican Party's problem," member of the party, MP Ovanes Saakayn

    Some independent media reported that Tsarukyan probably decided not to
    confront the authorities as he realized how hard their reaction may
    be. Still the reason, why he decided not to take part in the polls,
    remain unclear. All statements made so far showed that Tsarukyan wants
    to run for president. He was considered to be the most influential
    politician in the country. Even famous political scientist Agaron
    Adibeyan, who is known to be a supporter of the current president,
    admitted that Tsarukyan's approval rating is 45 per cent.

    Tsarukyan's decision was a surprise for voters but not for politicians
    and experts. Some media reported that Tsarukyan and President Sargsyan
    held continuous talks. It was also clear that authorities were very
    nervous as they had a very influential and powerful opponent.

    However, it seems that Tsarukyan should have been aware of the
    possibility of such pressure. That is why others believe that his
    decision not to run for president was influenced by some foreign
    power. many believe that Russia can be such a power. "These
    presidential elections will be crucial not only for the country itself
    but for the whole region. Russia is now paying special attention to
    the region and any event unfolding here should be examined from the
    point of view of the Russia's conflict with western powers," former
    presidential aide Ashot Manucharyan says.

    Experts believe that in the result of the unofficial talks between
    Sargsyan and Tsarukyan some changes in cabinet may take place.
    Analysts say that the country may get a new prime minister soon. This
    means that the elections won't be an end of the continuing political
    game. The main intrigue of this game did not come to be - the one
    expected to make a decisive challenge did not make it.

    "These electionbs will be slow, quiet and gloomy. These will elections
    with no actual choice," analyst Ayk Balasyan says. Still one should
    not forget that there are a lot of voters who will never support the
    incumbent president, it's not clear whom they will vote for.

    Susanna Petrosyan. Yerevan. Exclusively to VK.
