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Ruben Akopyan: `Armenian people deserve their authorities'

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  • Ruben Akopyan: `Armenian people deserve their authorities'

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Dec 14 2012

    Ruben Akopyan: `Armenian people deserve their authorities'

    14 December 2012 - 11:24am

    Interview by David Stepanyan, Yerevan. Exclusive to Vestnik Kavkaza

    The head of the parliamentary faction of the opposition party
    Heritage, Ruben Akopyan, told Vestnik Kavkaza about prospects in the
    presidential elections in Armenia.

    - Heritage together with Dashnaktsutyun, Prosperous Armenia, and the
    Armenian National Congress voted against the law on the state budget
    2013 adopted by the parliament on December 5th. Why doesn't the
    opposition like the main financial document of the country?

    - The presented project of the budget doesn't reflect the real
    economic situation in Armenia. While the level of shadow economy is
    about 30-60%, the government states that there are no resources for
    increasing the minimum monthly wage and the wage of state sponsored
    workers. The state has resources, but the current authorities don't
    show the political will for reducing the shadow economy.

    This state budget doesn't consider previous mistakes; thus, it
    contains the same corruption risks which the budget 2012 contained.
    The government defines its priorities, but they are formal and have
    nothing in common with reality. For example, the scientific sphere is
    considered to be a priority in Armenia, but scientists earn tiny sums
    and it is not beneficial to deal with science. The state budget 2013
    is not protected against corruption. To correct the situation, members
    of our faction presented a packet of amendments which includes 74
    issues, but the government rejected it of course. That is why we voted
    against the budget.

    - Prosperous Armenia supported the opposition parties in voting
    against the budget. Can it be considered within the consultations
    conducted by PA with other political forces in Armenia?

    - The results of our consultations with PA will certainly be discussed
    by the administration of our party, and its decision will be presented
    to the society. In general we treated PA's initiative positively, but
    some of our members doubt the sincerity of our colleagues from
    Prosperous Armenia. It is significant that the political program of
    Prosperous Armenia still has no issue on the changing of the power in
    Armenia or at least on shifting to a complete proportional election
    system. We still expect that these important changes in the political
    course of the party which claims to be a leader of the opposition will
    be voiced by the administration of the party. The party of Gagik
    Tsarukyan speaks a lot about systemic changes, but it appears that all
    these talks are aimed at gaining the position of prime minister.

    At the same time, systemic developments require wide-scale radical
    changes. It is difficult to say what the result of the consultations
    on shifting to the parliamentary system will be, but I don't see that
    PA wants to change the regime.

    - Do you see a political force in Armenia along with Prosperous
    Armenia, which is able to unite other political parties pround its

    - One of the most important conditions of establishing the political
    space of Armenia should be the ability of a party to consolidate
    around a certain idea rather than force. Even though PA states that
    during the consultation the problem of a candidate to the president
    position is not discussed, the key topic of the consultations is
    consolidation around certain people. Exaggeration initiated by the
    mass media over these consultations is artificial. It is a waste of
    time. The society can't hope for any practical results. The
    consultations are caused by the political situation, while their aim
    is to gain certain benefits from the presidential election campaign.

    Our party and Dashnaktsutyun suggested shifting to the proportional
    election system long before Prosperous Armenia. We addressed numerous
    institutes with his proposal. Unfortunately, quantity didn't turn into

    - What is your prediction for the coming presidential elections in Armenia?

    - I don't see people who can give point to the pre-election of
    post-election situation like it was in March 2008. I also do not
    expect that the coming presidential elections will be more transparent
    or fair than in 2008. Of course time influences the quality of
    political processes, including elections, despite the desire and
    readiness of the authorities to these changes. But it is naïve to
    expect radical changes in the presidential election in the sphere of
    quality and democracy. It was confirmed by the parliamentary elections
    in May. Our society and the power have to realize the necessity of
    holding normal elections without blackmail, administrative resources,
    and bribes. The power has to make a breakthrough.

    - Is it in its interests?

    - I don't expect that in these elections the current president Serge
    Sargsyan will be reelected. We are ready to congratulate him in case
    of his victory in transparent elections. Throughout 20 years the
    authorities have always opposed the interests of the state.
    Consequences of this weird situation could be seen in almost all
    elections. Interests of the authorities always prevailed over
    interests of the state. It means their victory is a failure for the
    society and the country.

    - What is the way out? Can we use the example of Latin America's
    countries for the elimination of the oligarchic regime?

    - I don't see forces in Armenia, which are able to change the
    situation. Armenian people deserve their authorities. The majority of
    the protest part of the Armenian society left the country. After the
    tragic March events this harsh outflow of population took away people
    who were able to fight. Today Armenia has a gap of opposing the
    authorities: people are indifferent to the country's fate. Armenia has
    no organized civil society which could be able to fight for its rights
    till the end.
