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Lack Of Honesty

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  • Lack Of Honesty

    DECEMBER 18, 2012 13:15

    We have decided not to talk about the content of a conversation
    between two MPs that has been eavesdropped by ~Ssecret forces~T ~V
    it seems we have got a sort of consensus on this issue. However, one
    should probably talk about the fact of eavesdropping, as well as why
    the government ~V let us pretend to be naïve and not say the National
    Security Service ~V decided to make public this conversation. Firstly,
    it became clear once again that there still was political intelligence,
    which existed in the Soviet times, in our country. If the Soviet times
    had been a thing of the past, people who made that recording and put
    it on the internet would have faced a trial. Since that assumption
    of mine will be met by chuckle, one can only assume that the Soviet
    regime still continues. The speeches of a ~Smilker~T and others at
    the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) congress testify to that.

    On the other hand, it is clear that our valiant Cheka agents ~V in the
    broad sense of that word ~V record and film lots of things, but they
    don~Rt make public all of them. They very much needed this material
    for the election campaign; that is why it has been made public. It
    seems to the authors of that operation that they have discredited the
    Armenian National Congress (ANC). It is still hard to say whether that
    calculation is right or not. However, the calculation is based on the
    fact that the policy of the ANC, as well as all the other political
    forces in our country, is not transparent; open competition and public
    debate don~Rt exist here. Contradictions are hushed up and come out in
    the form of rumors, gossips and hints, which the government skillfully
    uses, commenting on those contradictions and hints as it likes. I
    consider the recording at issue as a sort of gossip and an anonymous
    letter. ~SWorks~T of that genre should be severely condemned. However,
    there is only one way to neutralize their impact ~V that is honesty.

    And in order to be such, one should put aside the veil of secrecy
    and give up on playing a ~SByzantine court.~T At the end of the day,
    it is not about the Karabakh conflict settlement, the experts of
    which, as we know, were 4 or 5 people. One cannot participate in
    presidential elections as an ~Sexpert~T; given the specificities of
    Armenian elections, serious mobilization of the society is needed here.

    Convincing people for one year that their savior and the one who will
    provide them with prosperity and justice is Gagik Tsarukyan, not doing
    anything now against the background of those people~Rs disappointment
    and continuing to be engaged in some ~Ssecret negotiations~T is not
    logical for me. Neither Zurabyan, nor Bagratyan, nor Nikol are to
    blame for the current situation in the opposition camp. Guess who!

