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"Party Suicide Bombers" Vs. Society

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  • "Party Suicide Bombers" Vs. Society


    15:12 19/12/2012
    Story from News:

    The decision of the Court of General Jurisdiction of Shirak on the
    case of Mataghis caused different reactions within the society.

    Besides happiness and excitement, there is also the opinion that the
    decision of the court has nothing in common with real justice. Though
    the accused young men have been acquitted, those guilty have not been
    revealed and punished.

    All this is clear. The unclear thing is the tendency to break or
    eliminate what the society can consider its victory, even if it is
    the result of some government scenario.

    After all, if the situation makes the authorities fulfill one order
    or another which matches the public interest, this means that the
    government has to take that step, otherwise it would never care for
    the public interest. Consequently, the success of the public interest
    must not be eliminated but generated to inspire in the society that
    its efforts can lead to success, and this will become a precondition
    for bigger success.

    After all, if the government freed the political prisoners, it
    was part of a scenario but this does not mean that the political
    prisoners should not be released and the society should have called
    on them to return behind the bars. The political prisoners were not
    even acquitted, they were granted pardon.

    The case of Mataghis is not the renaissance of the system of justice.

    There are many other unknown innocent people in jails in Armenia.

    Certainly, the Mataghis case is not the symbol of the government's
    reform. It is a pure calculation, necessity for the authorities.

    However, as a result, three innocent conscripts who were sent to jail
    on the basis of evidence obtained through violence are now free. How
    else can this be called if not justice? Is this not the success of
    people, political figures, journalists, human rights defenders who
    fought for them? What is this then?

    What is the meaning of efforts to confront this success with lack of
    success on other fronts or to present it as a reason for the lack
    of success in other spheres? Whose plan, whose jealousy or whose
    imprudence is this that makes some people squash this success?

    There was a similar situation in Mashtots Park, after the victory
    achieved there.

    Jealousy has become a political weapon against civility in Armenia.

    This weapon is quite effective because it is not only at the propaganda
    but also psychological level. It is very difficult to fight this
    level not only for the civil society but also for all those living
    weapons, zombie people who become the first victims of their weapon,
    "suicide bombers of the party".

    Here, no one wins but the party and governmental systems, which
    maintain the civil-political status quo where they hold inter-party,
    inter-political bargaining with commercial secrets, and all the other
    trading rules. The only thing left to do is to allow the establishment
    of political rules in the civil sphere, and as soon as outlines are
    noticed in the far, the "party suicide bombers" are immediately landed.
