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Moscow Visit: Armenian President Faces Serious Talk And Hard Choices

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  • Moscow Visit: Armenian President Faces Serious Talk And Hard Choices


    Politics | 19.12.12 | 13:11

    By Naira Hayrumyan
    ArmeniaNow correspondent

    Today Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan is meeting his Russian
    counterpart Vladimir Putin in Moscow on the sidelines of a meeting
    of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Council hosted
    by the Russian capital.

    Armenian experts have no doubt that Moscow will do everything to
    prevent Armenia from signing an association agreement with the European
    Union. On December 17, Armenia and the EU signed an agreement on visa
    facilitation, while an Association Agreement and an agreement on the
    Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area are expected to be signed as
    early as in November 2013. Before that, Putin is sure to be trying
    to win Armenia over.

    The difference between European integration and accession to
    the Russia-dominated Customs Union is primarily in the methods of
    integration. While Armenia is being coerced to sign up to the Customs
    Union and methods like raising the price of natural gas and others
    are being used to ensure that move, the South Caucasus country seems
    to be voluntarily choosing integration with Europe, consenting to
    meeting the strictest requirement along this path.

    A few days before the CSTO summit, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei
    Lavrov visited Uzbekistan, where he tried to persuade Uzbek President
    Islam Karimov to annul his country's withdrawal from the CSTO. But
    Karimov did not agree and all Lavrov could say is that Uzbekistan
    will still remain an ally of Moscow.

    A day before the summit, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych also
    canceled his visit to Moscow. It had been announced before that
    Yanukovych and Putin would discuss natural gas prices and Russia
    would make a discount for Ukraine in exchange for Yanukovych's signing
    some documents related to the Customs Union. But instead reports have
    appeared about Ukraine's intention to sign an Association Agreement
    with the EU soon.

    A couple of days before the summit, Belarus President Alyaksandr
    Lukashenka managed to get another major loan to Minsk from Moscow.

    And, as analysts say, he had been blackmailing Moscow with his
    intention to pull out of the Customs Union and start looking west,
    to Europe.

    EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Stefan
    Fule, speaking at a press conference following the meeting of the
    Armenia-EU summit in Brussels, noted Armenia's efforts in the field of
    governance and human rights and said that lack of judicial independence
    and corruption remained problems for the South Caucasus country.

    He stressed that in order to achieve a successful outcome that would
    allow the use of the full potential of relations between Armenia and
    the EU, efforts were required for extensive reforms next year.

    At the same time, in Armenia some local analysts predict pressure on
    Sargsyan to sign some documents pledging to work more closely with
    the Customs Union. That the Customs Union wanted to sign documents on
    cooperation with Armenia in early 2013 was mentioned by chairman of
    the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC), Viktor Khristenko,
    who was in Armenia in early December.

    "During the meeting with the President of Armenia and the Prime
    Minister, when we discussed formats of cooperation, we agreed that we
    will be preparing a document on cooperation between the Government
    of Armenia and the EEC. Now we are working on this document. It is
    likely to be signed at the beginning of next year," he said.

    Speaking on the subject of future agreements with Armenia, Khristenko
    said that they will also be based in the area of competence of the
    Eurasian Economic Commission. "Today, we have in our competence
    everything related to trade policy, tariff and non-tariff measures,
    measures of technical regulations, safeguards, etc.," he said.

    From: A. Papazian