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Ankara: A Controversial Genocide

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  • Ankara: A Controversial Genocide


    Hurriyet Daily News
    Dec 19 2012


    The Danish Royal Library has, together with the Armenian embassy,
    held an exhibition on "The Armenian genocide and the Scandinavian
    reaction" though due to protests from the Turkish embassy, the
    library's director, Erland Kolding Nielsen, has agreed to hold an
    alternative exhibition titled, "The so-called Armenian genocide."

    This decision has caused widespread debate and 37 Turkish
    intellectuals, including Taner Akcam, Cengiz Aktar, Murat Belge,
    Bask覺n Oran and 襤pek and Oral Cal覺癬_lar, have in an open letter in
    Denmark's leading daily Berlingske called on the library's director
    to reconsider his decision. In their view, the Turkish government
    has followed a policy of denial for more than 90 years, culminating
    in the murder of Hrant Dink in 2007. To allow the Turkish government
    to arrange an alternative exhibition will only support this policy.

    As Turkish intellectuals fighting for a democratic Turkey, the
    signatories conclude that Turkey, through its position of denying
    historical truths, represents an obstacle to the development of peace,
    democracy and stability in the Middle East.

    The reason the Armenian genocide is so controversial is because it
    is closely connected with Turkey's self-image and the foundation of
    the Turkish Republic. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has
    claimed that "Turkey has not committed genocide throughout its history"
    and that "The character of this nation does not let it commit such
    crimes." Even in defense of the Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir,
    he has said, "a Muslim can never commit genocide."

    Nevertheless, there is overwhelming evidence that Turkey, under the
    leadership of the CUP (Committee of Union and Progress) in 1915, was
    guilty of a premeditated attempt to annihilate the Armenian population
    through massacres and deportation. The events must be seen in a
    historical context, as the Ottoman Empire had collapsed and Armenian
    nationalists - like the Kurds today - were demanding independence.

    Turkey had allied itself with Germany during World War I and the
    Russian advance on the eastern front with the support of Armenian
    auxiliaries and the Allied invasion in the west at Gallipoli sealed
    the Armenians' fate.

    A joint declaration by France, Great Britain and Russia on May 24,
    1915 for the first time dealt with the concept of "crimes against
    humanity" and formed the legal basis for the Nuremberg trials and
    the U.N. convention on genocide. Turkish nationalists led by Mustafa
    Kemal Ataturk originally supported the punishment of the perpetrators
    but their attitude changed with the Treaty of Sevres and Turkey's
    partition. After the war of independence and the foundation of the
    Turkish Republic in 1923, many of those suspected of war crimes were
    given leading posts in the government.

    In all fairness, it must be stated that Armenian auxiliaries and
    guerillas were responsible for massacres of the Turkish civilian
    population, but these acts of revenge can in no way justify a
    premeditated campaign of racial extermination in the same way that
    German atrocities in Russia after the invasion in 1941 can be excused
    by the behavior of Russian troops in Germany in 1945.

    What makes this topic so sensitive is Turkey's fear that an open
    debate, not to speak of any admission, can lead to territorial claims
    from Armenia. This was why Justice Minister Cemil Cicek in May 2005
    called a planned conference on Ottoman Armenians at Bogazici University
    "a stab in the back of the Turkish nation."

    In 2005, Erdogan extended an invitation to Armenian president Robert
    Kocharian to establish a joint commission of historians and other
    experts to study the events of 1915, but this was rejected. One way
    forward could be to hold an international conference on the subject,
    where Denmark could act as an "honest broker." But the question is,
    who will take the initiative?

    Robert Ellis is a regular commentator on Turkish affairs in the Danish
    and international press.

    --------- THE LETTER

    Don't Stand Before Turkey's Democratization and Confrontation with
    its History!

    The individuals whose signatures appear below have been distressed
    to learn that the Royal Library of Denmark has given the Turkish
    government the opportunity to present an "alternative exhibit" in
    response to the Armenian Genocide exhibition.

    It is incorrect to suggest that two different views of what happened
    in 1915 are possible. Over one million Ottoman Armenian citizens
    were forced out of their homes and annihilated in furtherance of an
    intentional state policy. What exists today is nothing other than
    the blatant denial of this reality by the Turkish government.

    An honest reckoning with history is the non-negotiable precondition
    of a true democracy. The Turkish government has been suppressing
    historic truths and following a policy of denial for more than 90
    years. In response to the many intellectuals in the nation who have
    urged the government to confront history honestly, this systematic
    suppression and intimidation policy, which reached its zenith with
    the assassination of journalist Hrant Dink in 2007, continues unabated.

    The European Court of Human Rights has ruled in several cases on this
    subject against Turkey's position and actions.

    By giving the Turkish government the opportunity to present an
    "alternative exhibit", you support their policy of suppression and
    intimidation. The support that you are extending to a regime that
    has made opposition to confronting history and denial of the truth
    a fundamental principle is equivalent to supporting a regime of
    apartheid. We want to remind you that your support constitutes an
    obstacle to democratization efforts in Turkey today.

    There is a regional aspect of this policy also. Peace, democracy and
    stability in the Middle East will only come about through regimes
    that are willing to confront history honestly. Through its position
    of denying historical truths, Turkey represents an obstacle to
    the development of peace, democracy and stability in the Middle
    East. We, Turkish intellectuals fighting for a democratic Turkey,
    urge you to reconsider your decision to grant the Turkish government
    the opportunity to present an "alternative exhibit" and withdraw the
    offer immediately and we invite you to join and support the democratic
    civil initiatives demanding that Turkey confront its history honestly.

    Fikret Adan覺r (professor of history), Taner Akcam (professor of
    history), Ayhan Aktar (professor of sociology), Cengiz Aktar (professor
    of political science), Cengiz Algan (The DurDe civic initiative),
    Ahmet Altan (Chief Editor Taraf Newspaper), Maya Arakon (professor
    of political science), Oya Baydar (Writer), Yavuz Baydar (Columnist
    Todays Zaman Newspaper), Osman Baydemir (mayor of Diyarbak覺r),
    Murat Belge (professor of litterature), Halil Berktay (professor of
    history), 襤smail Be癬_ikci (professor of sociology), Hamit Bozaslan
    (professor of political science), 襤pek Cal覺癬_lar (Writer), Oral
    Cal覺癬_lar (Columnist Radikal Newspaper), Ayd覺n Engin (founding
    Editor T24 webnews), Fatma Muge G繹cek (professor of sociology),
    Nilufer G繹le (professor of sociology), 襤癬_tar G繹zayd覺n (professor
    of law and politic), Gencay Gursoy (professor of medicine) Ay癬_e Hur
    (historian, columnist Radical newspaper), Ahmet 襤nsel (professor
    of economics), Ay癬_e Kad覺oglu (professor of political science),
    Gulten Kaya (music producer), Umit K覺vanc (writer), Omer Laciner
    (chief Editor Birikim Review), Roni Margulies (Poet), Bask覺n Oran
    (professor of political science), Cem Ozdemir (Co-chair German Green
    Party), Esra Mungan (professor of psychology), S覺rr覺 Sak覺k (MP),
    Betul Tanbay (professor of mathematics), Zeynep Tanbay (choreographer),
    Turgut Tarhanl覺 (professor of international law), Ufuk Uras (Former
    MP), 癬^anar Yurdatapan (Initiative for Freedom of Expression).
