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Azerbaijan Spurs Regional Arms Race, Inciting Hostility - Serzh Sarg

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  • Azerbaijan Spurs Regional Arms Race, Inciting Hostility - Serzh Sarg



    The Armenian president has slammed Azerbaijan for a non-constructive
    approach to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement efforts.

    Speaking at the Collective Security Treaty Organization's council
    session in Moscow, Serzh Sargsyan said that the country's stance on
    the problem remains an extremely serious challenge to the security
    in the South Caucasus region.

    The president noted that the Azerbaijani authorities demonstrate
    unwillingness or inability to follow the negotiation format proposed by
    the OSCE Minsk Group, the problem being repeatedly highlighted in the
    statements issued by its co-chairing states (US, France and Russia).

    "We are confident that negotiations are the only alternative to the
    settlement of the existing conflicts. We have in mind that the threat
    to renew the military operations between the sides after the signing
    of ceasefire - especially considering that it has been maintained for
    18 years now - is a direct violation of the norms and principles of
    international law. That's the most short-sighted way towards a new wave
    of violence, hatred and bloodshed. Such problems are never resolved;
    they become more complicated," he said.

    The president added that an entire generation in the country is
    being brought up in an environment of xenophobia and intolerance. In
    that context he referred to the Azerbaijani authorities' decision to
    pardon the life-sentenced army officer, Ramil Safarov, who had killed
    an Armenian servicemen in sleep, and giving him a hero's welcome and
    a military promotion upon his return to the country.

    "Killing an Armenian is thus no longer considered a crime in
    Azerbaijan. And that happens in the 21st century, in a member state
    of the United Nations Security Council. Azerbaijan continues its
    belligerent policies. It spurs a regional arms race and incites
    hostility. The Azerbaijani president openly declares the Armenians
    around the world his enemies, calling Yerevan, which will soon
    celebrate its 2,800th anniversary, an ancient Azerbaijani land. He
    declares that the violation of the ceasefire regime is a rule of
    conduct, with the war not being over yet. But he forgets who was the
    first to sign the ceasefire," Sargsyan said.
