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Another Georgian Delusion

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  • Another Georgian Delusion

    Igor Muradyan

    Story from News:
    12:07 20/12/2012

    Delusion is a sign of a nation's creativity, lack of delusion is
    the end of history, but in the Georgian reality Delusion is always
    demonstrated in a bright and theatrical way which becomes a subject
    of ardent discussions.

    The Georgian society has consciously chosen a means for benefitting
    from the international division of work, in other words, from its
    transportation capacity and geographical position. However, this
    direction became a means of solution of the main economic problems
    in the public conscience, it "absorbed" the other directions, which
    essentially, became part of the sphere of services.

    Reasoning on this topic, it is possible to offer a primitive
    description of it. Economic and price proportions in the world are such
    that even in case of profile development of transit-service sector,
    the added value is little, and it is impossible to achieve a high
    level enabling sufficient accumulation and investments of strategic
    meaning in the national scale.

    Along with this, Saakashvili's policies are directed to the
    maximal "legalization" of not only "primary" incomes but also
    their redistribution. But the Georgian society that adopted the
    transit-service model, couldn't confirm the "legality" of the process
    of redistribution. For this, this led to the action of the masses of
    the population against the legality" to ensure the distributed income
    of such a small volume of the product added.

    There is no way that the service thinking takes "legal" extraction
    of individual incomes of the real national product. If we also add
    the liberal economic policy to this, low inflation and the budget
    deficit, it is clear what would remain in the sphere in the result
    of the redistribution of such a modest income.

    This is the way if we imagine everything in the most simplified way.

    Another part of the arguments is more controversial, though quite
    accepted in the Georgian society. The Georgian society, under certain
    motives and ideals of intellectuals and youth circles, after all, is
    not motivated by these positions. There have been too many generations
    of Georgians living in a privileged, "illegitimate" redistribution of
    real national income, which in all phases of the modern history of the
    country, was not large enough. All of the "Georgian uprisings" after
    the collapse of the Soviet Union have been a rebellion against the
    "economic legitimacy", although at different inspirational elements.

    (I must say that the Armenians, who came from Georgia, have introduced
    something similar to the petty-bourgeois social life of Armenia).

    Saakashvili presented the expressers of the movement of young
    Georgians, who were inherent to the ethnic chauvinism, stubbornly
    disguised by the West, where the democracy was addressed to anyone,
    but not the Armenian population of the country, let alone the Ossetian
    and Abkhazian people. But if we ignore this minor thing, then, as
    many Georgians say, "the Georgia people should be eternally grateful
    to Saakashvili".

    It is impossible to disagree with this statement and all the
    affirmations about corruption and abuses are nonsense. Georgia,
    under Saakashvili, achieved the peak of its social development and
    one step is missing to the principled success. All this experience
    and results are trashed by the petty bourgeois rebellion.

    In the result, Georgia will appear in confusion and will be thrown
    back to the "blessed" times of Shevarnadze, where the authorities
    were limited to the streets of Rustaveli, Kakabadze and Vake quarter.

    Georgia is again facing the perspective proposal of the state
    collapse. In the result, Georgia's neighboring countries will clash
    with the swelling of chaos and brutality in it.

    There is the opinion that currently Saakashvili owns resources and
    possibilities for the prevention of this "collapse", and, most likely,
    he will wait for the critical moment of negative. Anyway, the current
    situation in Georgia is very strange, and there is no need to hurry
    with the conclusions. Along with this, the "new authorities" hurry
    and don't hide their aims being unsure both in the home stability
    and foreign support.

    No doubt, Russia is hurrying too, fearing to lose time, hence
    supporting the "new authorities". We should understand that no matter
    in what direction the authorities and the administration will go, the
    model of transit and service has already been established in Georgia,
    and no one in the vicious political class didn't dispute the vicious
    model which has become the social-economic basis of the sinusoidal
    political life of Georgia, let alone the Georgian delusions.

    Each society and each nation has its vices and delusions, the issue
    is the creative capacities of the nation and its wish to deal with
    the root causes.
