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TBILISI: No controversies between Eurasian and European Unions

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  • TBILISI: No controversies between Eurasian and European Unions

    The Messenger, Georgia
    Dec 20 2012

    No controversies between Eurasian and European Unions

    By Messenger Staff
    Thursday, December 20
    Head of the EU delegation in Armenia, Traian Hristea, recently stated
    that there is no controversy for Armenia in its relations
    simultaneously with the EU and the Moscow led Eurasian Union. Armenia
    as a sovereign country has to decide itself which way to follow. The
    Eurasian Union eventually will start functioning from 2015, whereas
    the EU has been operating for 55 years now. According to the EU
    official, being a member of one organization does not contradict
    preserving good relations with another. Armenia could join the CIS
    free trade zone but in parallel it should negotiate on free trade with
    the EU as well.

    From: Baghdasarian