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Russia-EU summit to address conflicts in Transdniestria, Georgia, Na

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  • Russia-EU summit to address conflicts in Transdniestria, Georgia, Na

    Russia Beyond The Headlines
    Dec 20 2012

    Russia-EU summit to address conflicts in Transdniestria, Georgia,

    11:36 December 20, 2012 Interfax

    The European Union counts on Russia's proactive role in looking for
    solutions to conflicts both in former Soviet states and other
    countries, a high-ranking European official told journalists on
    condition of anonymity ahead of the Russia-EU summit in Brussels.

    At the summit, the EU will reiterate the need to resolve the
    Transdniestrian conflict because it is obvious that what is being done
    there today is not enough, he said.

    Following the parliamentary elections in Georgia, a chance has opened
    up to improve relations between Tbilisi and Moscow and restore
    stability in the Caucasus, the official said.

    The EU welcomes the first contact between high-ranking officials of
    Russia and Georgia, which took place last week, and calls on Russia to
    continue this policy, he said.

    But the EU also thinks that Georgia ought to remain a fully sovereign
    country within its internationally recognized borders, the official

    The EU is troubled by the situation surrounding talks on
    Nagorno-Karabakh and hopes that a solution could soon be found to this
    conflict, he said.

    Commenting on other conflicts around the world, the official
    reiterated the EU's support for the efforts of UN and Arab League
    peace envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi, urging Russia to make the most
    of all the levers available to it to help resolve this crisis.

    At the summit, the sides will also reaffirm their commitments as part
    of the peace process between the Palestinian National Authority and
    Israel and will discuss the possibility of acting both through
    negotiations and sanctions to make progress in the Iranian nuclear
    issue, he said.

    Russia and the EU will be able to bridge the gap between their
    approaches to the Syrian conflict through discussions, the official

    Russia and the EU see eye to eye on the goals of this process but
    remain split over the means to achieve these goals, he said.

    Discussions should continue because it is just the way things are done
    with friends, he added. eorgia_nago_21288.html
